Topic: Lego Hair

Im looking for lego hair (hair on minifigs head)
Im looking for girl hair, so I can buy it, pain it white, and make a wig for my Lego King Louis XVI minifig

Anyone have suggestions on where I can search for it, since I tried brickllink, google and yahoo
but I can't get the results I want
Dose anyone know where I can buy this piece

Last edited by KinzCove (January 7, 2009 (04:15pm))

Re: Lego Hair

I get most of my cool minifig parts from here.

Re: Lego Hair

Thats The Harry Potter Umbrige hair. mini/bigsmile


Re: Lego Hair

SmallTimeProductions wrote:

I get most of my cool minifig parts from here.

[offtopic]Whats a "'Mizer"?
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.

Re: Lego Hair

That comes with the Green Grocer. I ordered one off Bricklink.

Re: Lego Hair

There are two sets that have the hair you are looking for.
You might be fortunate enough to find one of those sets at your local retail store.
The only other alternatives would be bricklink and ebay.

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky
