Topic: Invisible Effect

How would you create the effect of a minfig being invisible. If I have to do it frame-by-frame i'll do it frame-by-frame. Does anyone know of a way of doing it through software like Vegas or Axagon Composer. If not would someone who can do it, do it for me?


Re: Invisible Effect

As you said, I would do it frame for frame. One picture of the background without the minfig, then you shoot the scene with fig and reduce the transpareny afterwards.
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Re: Invisible Effect

Which programs can you do this in?

Re: Invisible Effect

If you do it frame by frame, programs like Photoshop, GIMP, Bafran etc. would do it.
YouTube | Flickr                                 "Bad Taste on YouTube"

Re: Invisible Effect

Being invisible or becoming invisible? Because the first doesn't require any fx work at all.

Re: Invisible Effect

Shoot the scene without the minifig and then shoot the scene with the minifig. In Sony Vegas, you can reduce the transparency of the over laying layer and make it semi transparent The background should look solid the minifig should look faint. I think this should work.

Re: Invisible Effect

As for me, I wouldn't show being invisible by not seeing the figure. I would, as I said, reduce the transparency so you can see at least a bit of it.
YouTube | Flickr                                 "Bad Taste on YouTube"

Re: Invisible Effect

Thanks for the responses, i'll try this when I get around to shooting the film.


Re: Invisible Effect

For my film Capastroid, I created a stylized invisible man effect. Here is a (rather old) tutorial explaining the method.

Re: Invisible Effect

Nick's tutorial creates a really awesome effect that I'd prefer over simple reduced opacity, but it is a little tougher, I think.

- Leo

Re: Invisible Effect

That is a really good tutorial but sadly I don't have AE.


Re: Invisible Effect

jd16592 wrote:

As you said, I would do it frame for frame. One picture of the background without the minfig, then you shoot the scene with fig and reduce the transpareny afterwards.

i made a hologram using this method on photoshop for my current movie.i made a floating minifig, then turnedhim transparent and blue, and pasted it in the background as a second layer

Re: Invisible Effect

Does anyone have a tutorial of how to do it in gimp

Re: Invisible Effect

Use helium frog chroma key, use green, and make the figure all yellow. It's almost invisible, but not quite.

Hope i helped.

Re: Invisible Effect

bafran the easiest and its free

Re: Invisible Effect

Please don't dig up old threads.

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