Topic: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Arlo is a powerful new Stop Motion Program.  It has all the features you need to create great stop motion animations in an easy to use package.

I've been working on it for the past year and am now ready to release it.

The features include:

  • Canon DSLR support with full settings control
    Webcam support
    Export to MP4 or Image Sequence
    Audio support (wav or mp3)
    Path and shape tools to create guides
    Easy frame management
    Test images
    Rule of Thirds and Black Bars overlays

You can get it here:

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Arlo is an excellent program, highly reccommended for all skill levels. Great work!

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Puskov wrote:

Arlo is an excellent program, highly reccommended for all skill levels. Great work!

Thanks so much!  Glad to hear it.  Please let me know if you find any issues.  I want this program to be rock solid.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

is there a way to make your own fps because I usually animate at 17 fps but the ones closest to it is 15 and 20, is there a way to make it 17?

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

GreatSh1nob1 wrote:

is there a way to make your own fps because I usually animate at 17 fps but the ones closest to it is 15 and 20, is there a way to make it 17?

Good question.  I originally made this program for my students with the goal of it being as simple to use as possible.  I also intentionally capped the lowest frame rate at 12 to keep them from creating animations that were too choppy.  I can look into making the frame rate chooser a slider instead of a dropdown.

Please let me know if you find any other issues with the program.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Oh ok other than the frame rate counter the software is pretty solid, I love the fact that you can add sound and there is no lag when you play back the footage, really nice job man.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

This is amazing software! I just downloaded it to use for THAC and so far so good. I will ask for it to be added to the free software list. Keep up the good work!

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b
"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." Russian Proverb

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Thank you so much.  The latest version with a few bug fixes is here:

Please let me know if you have any issues.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Thank you, now I don't need to spend 400 dollars.

Paul McCartney 2028

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Rats! Doesn't look like there is a Mac version. Oh Well...


Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Hi! I downloaded the app and it feels really nice, can't wait to use it!
I have a question though, in the description you mentioned that it supports audio. When I try to ad ("pick") an audio mp3 file I get the message "An error occurred". I tried with different files and lengths but nothing works.

Last edited by MBI Studio (June 20, 2023 (04:49am))

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

So I've been testing out and I found out that it only supports .wav audio files. MP3 files do not work.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Jeremy Bullock wrote:

Arlo is a powerful new Stop Motion Program.  It has all the features you need to create great stop motion animations in an easy to use package.

I've been working on it for the past year and am now ready to release it.

The features include:

  • Canon DSLR support with full settings control
    Webcam support
    Export to MP4 or Image Sequence
    Audio support (wav or mp3)
    Path and shape tools to create guides
    Easy frame management
    Test images
    Rule of Thirds and Black Bars overlays

You can get it here:

The export feature doesn't work. Is there a way I can fix it myself?

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

MBI Studio wrote:

The export feature doesn't work. Is there a way I can fix it myself?

Never mind, I redownloaded the last version and I can export now, really amazing!

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

MBI Studio wrote:

So I've been testing out and I found out that it only supports .wav audio files. MP3 files do not work.

I just tested MP3 playback on the latest version, and it worked for me.  Are you still having this issue?  I'd love to fix it if it is still happening for you.

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Jeremy Bullock wrote:
MBI Studio wrote:

So I've been testing out and I found out that it only supports .wav audio files. MP3 files do not work.

I just tested MP3 playback on the latest version, and it worked for me.  Are you still having this issue?  I'd love to fix it if it is still happening for you.

Hi! Can you send me a link with the latest version so I can be sure I don't have an older one? (I downloaded it from github under the name " v1.0 - latest "). And no it still doesn't work with mp3, I get the message "An error occurred".

Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Hi Jeremy just started using your software and liking it a lot but is there a way to do a batch erase of images or do they have to be erased one at a time?


Re: New Free Stop Motion Software with Canon DSLR and webcam support.

Jeremy Bullock wrote:

Arlo is a powerful new Stop Motion Program.  It has all the features you need to create great stop motion animations in an easy to use package.

I've been working on it for the past year and am now ready to release it.

The features include:

  • Canon DSLR support with full settings control
    Webcam support
    Export to MP4 or Image Sequence
    Audio support (wav or mp3)
    Path and shape tools to create guides
    Easy frame management
    Test images
    Rule of Thirds and Black Bars overlays

You can get it here:

Can it export in 4k? I often need to crop quite a bit from my footage so it would be good to know if that's possible