Topic: Production Log Guidelines
The purpose of the production forum is to share your progress from the production stage of making a brickfilm; in the case of animation and brickfilming, this is somewhat flexible, but it's typically the stage where you are actually animating your film (versus writing or coming up with story ideas).
We do ask that if you create a thread about your own project, it should be a film that is in production. Posts with substance are what we're looking for here; sketches, behind the scenes photos, and the like are welcome. Threads that consist of talking about a hypothetical project you think would be cool to make or have ideas about making soon will be locked in order to keep the focus on the actual production of films. If you want to post updates about your life, hopeful future projects, or things like that, there are better places for that. Your forum signature, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are some good places to start.
Here's an example of a good production topic: An Otherwise Uneventful Sunday.
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]