Topic: Bully Maguire

Many know what "Bully Maguire" means. If you don't, search those two miraculous words and watch as your life is changed forever. This is a thread to say that we think that Tobey Maguire is the best live action Spiderman, and Spiderman 3 is the best live action Spiderman movie. If you disagree, and think that other actors are better, or other movies more entertaining, you are free to express yourself. But if you do, please note:

As said by one of the greatest actors of our time because of one single movie, "I'm gonna put some dirt in you eye."

The above line is a joke, and a reference to Spiderman 3. If you disagree and say so, I will not put dirt on your eye. At least definitely not on purpose.

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Re: Bully Maguire

I agree and declare this thread to be blessed

Re: Bully Maguire

Thank you for you blessing. May any threads praising Bully Maguire that you should start be blessed as well.

Also, as you are obviously a human of good taste, may all your future ventures even if unrelated to that awe-striking version of the famous hero be blessed too.

Last edited by Zraderhold (January 5, 2022 (10:11am))

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Re: Bully Maguire

my name bully maguire

Re: Bully Maguire

I really like your name. I will name my children after you, should my wife have children someday. If I someday get a wife. Provided that I do not die before I reach marrying age.

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Re: Bully Maguire

Well, my name jeff, alright! Also, parrots may be put in trashcans, but tobey is forever.

"Whatever that thing AquaMorph said about french kissing that's always in people's signature"
Married? Solder you balls now.

Re: Bully Maguire

Forever and ever, amen.

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Re: Bully Maguire

If you don’t like Bully Maguire, then you’re trash Brock.

Re: Bully Maguire


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Re: Bully Maguire

Hello everyone. As you may (or may not) know, in Spider-Man 2, Tobey Maguire eats some chocolate cake made from the maiden across the hall (who is also his secret admirer).

Through my research I have been able to find this recipe for German Sweet Chocolate Cake I. While it is not the cake that she makes for him (her ethnicity is not strictly mentioned), I believe it to be a very good chocolate cake and one that Tobey Maguire would enjoy.

Yes, it's homemade, fresh from the toaster oven.

Re: Bully Maguire

Blandeer brings some excellent information to this topic, which I would like to expand upon here. In Spider-Man 3, Bully Maguire engages in conversation with the maiden mentioned in the above post. He requests of her to make him some nut cookies in order to satisfy his comestible needs.

I can relate to Maguire in his pursuit of appetite, which led me to find this recipe of Brown Sugar Nut Cookies. I also cannot confirm if these are the exact confections made to please Magurie, but I'm obliged to leave this recipe along here in addition to the German Cake posted.

Note: please be mindful of any person(s) who have any sort allergic reaction to peanuts before seeking out this recipe.

Re: Bully Maguire

Your extensive knowledge is admired and honored. Live long, both of you.

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