Topic: Our Profile Picture

We want to make some decisions about profile picture stuff, so if you want to give us your input you can fill out this form. mini/smile

YouTube | Brick-a-Brack | Vimeo

John 1:1-18

Re: Our Profile Picture

Did it.

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b
"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." Russian Proverb

Re: Our Profile Picture

I think it'd be neat to see some examples of what you're thinking. I dont know anything about your profile picture except what I already see, so all I have to say is, if you wanna change it, do it. Otherwise, don't.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: Our Profile Picture

Thanks for the input, rio. mini/bigsmile

Just some background info/update on this for anyone wondering:

I think our current profile picture is sloppily designed and rather outdated, but I wanted to make sure people aren't nostalgic for it or something, just in case. (and nobody really is)

I'm super indecisive, so I made the second question to help me figure out what to make for the new one. The polls came out in favour of a graphic design, but I have no idea how to make one. My brother and I will probably make all sorts of pictures and see what we like. If we can't pick one, there might be another poll to see what people like.

YouTube | Brick-a-Brack | Vimeo

John 1:1-18

Re: Our Profile Picture

Okay, I made an updated form with examples! Whether you filled out the first form before or not, please take the new survey here:

YouTube | Brick-a-Brack | Vimeo

John 1:1-18