Topic: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Hello fellow brickfilmers from bricks in motion!

We are currently having some troubles relaunching our German website and we addressed our issues on the French website Brick à Brack since it is kind of related to them. (see the original post here)

We want to make the brickfilming word aware of what is happening and therefore, we are also posting this here and are excited to hear your opinions.

Dear brickfilming world,

I am writing this open letter to you because of recent events that have occurred in the brickfilming world and we want to make everything as honest and clear as possible for everyone.

My name is Andreas, and I am from the German brickfilm community called “Brickboard”. We are a small but very close community and have a long history, since 2004.

As you may notice, our website looks a bit old-fashioned and outdated, which is why the page is now under the state of renewal.

As a student in the field of web development, I took the chance to form a team and we are currently in the process of giving the German brickfilm community an updated, more modern “home” , while making my final assignment for my university.

However, after quite some time, we received a message from our university stating that they are continuously receiving messages with the advice that we are committing fraud and theft of a certain product from an unknown company.
This person is still constantly contacting my university trying to stop our renewal of and making cocky accusations about our whole project.

So why are we mentioning the Brick à Brack community now?

Because the sender of these messages is clearly someone who is very near to Brick à Brack, since he had information from mails, I exchanged with an admin from Brick à Brack half a year ago. He mentioned that I had contact with the manager of his company, and I only had contact with one person in Brick à Brack and no other community. Furthermore, I tried to contact this person directly to clear things out, but his response was a complaint to my university, ignoring my request and confirming that the “product” we would be stealing is something that has to do with Brick à Brack.
The person even states that everything was discussed in a team.
Unfortunately, many things lead to this site.

The German admin team contacted the Brick à Brack staff, that we demand a statement, since Brick à Brack and Brickboard are in this case together. We received great support from the owner of Brick à Brack and we now want to make a statement to this aggressor, that this behaviour is not acceptable in any way.

To make things clear, we are just brickfilmers, this is a hobby for us, we just want our own page (as it always has been) with our own identity. We do not steal anything or endorse stealing from Brick à Brack or any other community! We want collaborations, shared events, but not war…

We are frustrated that the people having a problem with us are searching contact through officials, trying to bring us down instead of having a direct and open conversation.

As you may have noticed on the Brick à Brack front page, this is a statement that our communities stand together, and that no aggressor can attack or accuse us of something!

Whoever may hide under this pseudonym, this is a message to you!

To make things as honest and unfolded as possible, I have attached all the original messages here, so you can read it if you like and make your own opinion out of it.

Letter1 (initial contact)
Letter2 (response from uni)
Letter3 (another response from uni)
Letter4 (accusatios and link to BaB)
Letter5 (pressure on stopping Brickboard)

Brick à Brack support

Kind regards,
The Brickboard Admin Team
Andreas (A&M Studios), Alexander (Legostudio01), Hans (AoW-Gamer), Rainer (knauser), Sebastian (Baschi)

Last edited by A&M Studios (November 18, 2020 (09:12am))

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

I'm sorry to hear someone is pestering you all like this. It's hard to believe anyone would take issue with Brickboard creating an updated site, but there are some petty people out there with too much free time on their hands apparently. Has the university verified that the complaint is coming from a licensed attorney? It reads like a lot of empty threats to me but I'm not at all familiar with the legal system in Germany.

Currently I'm not in any staff position at BiM so I can't really offer anything other than personal support, and say that I hope everything is resolved quickly. I think it's great that you all have your own site with the freedom to tailor things to local interests, and I'd hate to see that go away.

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

I'm so sorry for you and the Brickboard Team.
Like Squash, I have no idea how the legal system works over in Germany, but I hope this gets resolved soon.

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Oh my, this is awful. I hope yall are able to get this settled peacefully.

Destructive activity like this in the brickfilming community makes me sad, since we're all just here to have fun and make movies. If there's anything we can help you with, feel free to ask, and we'll see what we can do.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

I am very greatful for the nice responses and to see support from across the pond mini/smile

Our main goal is to make this as public as possible to show this aggressor hiding behind a pseudonym that this is not accepted!

Basically he has nothing against us, building a forum is not a unique kind of thing.
We want to stop his interferences.

Thank you all, I wish you all the best with your brickfilms! mini/wink

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

It's sad that this is happening, because like Rio said we are all just here to have fun and make movies. I didn't really know about Brickboard until now, so thanks for informing me about another great community of brickfilmers! I hope you can get sorted out and you don't have any future problems!

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b
"There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." Russian Proverb

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

You can have my apologies in advance if this comment is taking a serious issue too flippantly, but to look on the bright side, if this goes to court, gets in the news, and becomes a big thing, it could inform more people that the brickfilm community exists, and maybe help it to grow. mini/lol mini/sunnies mini/wink

YouTube | Brick-a-Brack | Vimeo

John 1:1-18

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

It’s a terrible shame that someone with such apparently great recourses would attack you in such a petty way. I hope you can get to the bottom of all of this and have it resolved promptly!

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Ugh, it's unbelievable the lengths some people will go through to make life difficult for others on the internet. And for what purpose? I hope these issues with Brickboard will be resolved, Andreas. The German brickfilming community has in my experience always been a strong and tightly knit one. It's such a shame that someone feels the need to attack the community like this.

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Unfortunately, we aren't really surprised of what you wrote because we had a similar problem with Brick-à-Brack two years ago. That's why we don't go on that website any more.
The owner of the site perfectly knows who the guy is (and we know it as well). So it's up to him to solve the problem...

Last edited by France & Alex (November 21, 2020 (06:52am))

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Bros with da Legos wrote:

You can have my apologies in advance if this comment is taking a serious issue too flippantly, but to look on the bright side, if this goes to court, gets in the news, and becomes a big thing, it could inform more people that the brickfilm community exists, and maybe help it to grow. mini/lol mini/sunnies mini/wink

Well that wouldn't be too bad I guess mini/lol

We had some additional talks with Brick a Brack and the whole situation calmed down. I am glad that this is accepted by Brickfilm communities all over the world mini/smile

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

Really sorry you're having to deal with this nonsense and, like France & Alex, completely unsurprised unfortunately.

France & Alex wrote:

The owner of the site perfectly knows who the guy is (and we know it as well). So it's up to him to solve the problem...

100% this!

Re: An open letter to the brickfilming world!

tl;dr, who is the A-hole doing this?