Topic: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Recently I was asked to start a Discord server for Bricks in Motion, which is something I hadn't thought to do before but I think is a good idea. If you don't know, Discord is basically like if Skype wasn't awkward and annoying. You can talk in text channels or in voice channels, and it can be accessed either in-browser or with an app download. Here is the invite to the new BiM channel (please note that live chats can often get a bit wild, and often too fast for moderators to clean up. I'm not sure if Discord has a word filter, so there isn't one in place currently):

I think this should be a link that doesn't expire. Let me know if it does.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Thanks! I was thinking about something like this lately... I joined mini/smile

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

I use discord for voice chat in games. Playing PUBG, hit me up if anyone plays.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Been sorting out what to do about moderation today. Still trying to figure out if it is possible to set up a word filter, but for now there is a general chat that will be moderated and also an unmoderated chat that you must ask to be given access to.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

We've gone ahead and added a bot, Botman, to automatically remove swearing from the #general channel. He won't do anything in any of the other channels. At present, if someone uses a word on the censor list their post will be deleted and we'll get a notification that they did it. If language in #general becomes a persistent problem the bot will be changed to automatically mute people after a warning, but we'd rather not have to do that so please try to keep that sort of behavior out of #general.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Thank you very much, Squash. I have also made it so people can't join voice chat and can't send images and links until we confirm they are a brickfilmer and assign them a role. If you join under a name that is different from your BiM username, please say who you are.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Sick, might join this.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Nice, I'm on discord all the time

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Discord is really cool and useful. I'm looking forward to some "live" contest results on the voice channels.

Last edited by thefourmonkeys (August 17, 2017 (02:23pm))

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

I don't see a discord link?
Sorry just realized this post was 2 years old but maybe the discord server is still running?

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

The server is still active. You should see the link, when clicking on "Chat Room" on the frontpage of the forums.

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Weird, it asks me to accept the invite and then nothing happens. Maybe the link is expired?

Re: Bricks in Motion Discord chat

Hellcat77 wrote:

Weird, it asks me to accept the invite and then nothing happens. Maybe the link is expired?

The link works. In fact, it says you joined the chat.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b