Topic: Star Wars FANFILM - The Infinitum Holocron
Why not? The Star Wars saga has been very inspirational to me over the years – with a renewed interest as of the past few years. That, coupled with my own disappointment with the Disney canon, inspired me to begin work on this film.
Shroud of the Empire, in some form, will still happen. However, I thought it best to take my first crack at a galaxy far, far away in a different direction.
Expanded Universe, definitely. I plan to set all Star Wars fanfilms within the EU… Although, that’ll mean a lot more research on my end, it practically guarantees no future retconning, a risk that stories in the Disney canon presently have.
Sometime before Episode I. Originally, I wanted to do something around 700 BBY, but after more research, have decided against that. Although I could always make a future film set even earlier (or later) than the original 6 films, I’d like to do something a bit more recognizable.
As of right now, my greatest focus is on the story. Although setting is important, I’m looking to craft an interesting story first – and pin down timeline second.
Hopefully soon. Although I have accumulated a variety of Lego Star Wars parts & sets over the years, I’ll need a few more for this film. And, while some work that was done on Shroud can be reused, for the most part, I’m starting fresh – aside from setting it in the Star Wars universe, using lightsabers, etc…
Whoa, just take it easy, man. Unlike Disney (and even Lucas & co.) I feel it best to be public with the making of – that way we can all avoid any more Jar Jar Binks situations.
Although I love the Prequels, I can understand their continued negative reception. And, while I personally wasn’t a fan of The Last Jedi, I know that there are a lot of fans who did appreciate these films – and those that didn’t.
I know I can’t please everyone (and at the end of the day, these are MY fanfilms afterall), but I want to make an effort to entertain as many as possible. I’ll be updating with future plot information, as well as behind the scenes pics. I read all discussions, and will take every comment into consideration.
Be sure to check out the original songs I've done in preparation for this project!
Jedi Temple At Dusk
Sneaking Through Malastare
I will record all new music for this project, mostly original, with some themes adapted from the John Williams originals.