Topic: SHAC Starts NOW!
The theme is “Compromise.” You may interpret this in any way you see fit!
Color Mod: Black & White
Letter Mod: X
Sound Mod: SHAC Sound Mod 2018
And here’s the deadline
Have fun!
If you'd like to use the logo in your credits, here's a link: SHAC logo 2018p
That, my friend, is best answered here: Original Announcement Thread
Your work must be entirely made & submitted within the 72 hour period.
The mod elements must appear in your film. (more on that later)
Your entry must consist of at least 30 seconds of Lego or similar building-block toy animation.
No mature/explicit content is allowed.
And make sure to keep your entry unlisted before the deadline has passed!
Feel free to make brickfilms featuring copyrighted/trademarked properties, however, shy away from using any copyrighted music.
To prove that your film was made within the time limit, it must contain the mod elements. For SHAC 2018, they are:
Color Mod: Black & White
This is a combination of a black brick touching or connected with a white brick. Grey does not count as the mod element!
Letter Mod: X
This is the letter X. It can be either uppercase or lowercase, and in any font you choose. However, it cannot be inserted digitally! It must be present in your original shot(s), for this mod to count. You could also use a + sign, if you're cheeky.
Sound Mod: Gong B
This sound was provided by the free Chau Gongs VSTi instrument pack. If you use a DAW and make music, I’d recommend checking them out.
The sound must appear at least once in your film (excluding the credits) and, while it can be reversed or digitally altered, it must still clearly be that sound.
To Reiterate:
Your film must contain either the Color Mod, Letter Mod, or both in every shot. AND, you must also include the Sound Mod at least one time.
The Judges for SHAC 2018 are:
Dylan Johnson (myself),
The Login Productions,
One Brick Shy,
Shelby Pritchard,
and Nate Swihart!
The prizes this year are sealed collectible minifigures!
Please post them down below, DM or tweet @ my Twitter handle, or shout out your window really loudly. I’ll be sure to hear them all.
To submit, please send an email to: [email protected] before 12pm (midday) EST, Monday March 5th, 2018 with a working link to your film (& password, if necessary), with this subject:
SHAC, [Your BiM or BaB username]'s "[Title of film]"
For Example: SHAC, Dyland's "De Mortem Part Deux"
As the contest continues, I shall list submitted entries below. If your film has any problem (such as missing mod element, or public video) the text shall be italicized & the issue will be stated alongside. If your film is not yet on the list, be patient. I'll get to it as soon as possible!
Spider-Man the Musical by Angel Hair
Mission: Compromised by Beatupbricks Productions
Blue or Yellow? by Raptor Studios
Tha Fight by Jo Co
The SHACompromise by Joshua Nelson
Ecotallica by Shawarma Studios
No Bargain by Gold Brick Productions
The Coolest Samurai by CurlyNarNar
X by Deltabrick
Powerless by William Osborne
The Quarrel Concerning The Kid by Mark Nelson Movies
Pet Shop by Arginnon
Ketchup v Mustard: Dawn of Sauce by pjlegomotion
Halfway There by BertL
com promise by rioforce
Mur Noir et Blanc ~ Black And White Wall by 4clem4
Compromised by Brickman
And here is the official playlist: yNTFvjXU0z
Last edited by Dyland (March 5, 2018 (12:40pm))