Topic: Carol of the Bells - A Musical Advent Calendar!
I know that Nathan Wells likes Carol of the Bells a lot. I, too, think it's one of the greatest christmas songs that play every year, and love to seek out new versions. With all this in mind, and it being December 1st and all, I decided to upload a cover of the song as a one-off fun little activity.
At a family meet-up today, someone suggested (as a joke) that I do 24 covers of Carol of the Bells, one every day leading up to Christmas. I laughed it off, but then, wondered if I'd be up for that sort of a challenge...
So, without further ado, I present for your listening pleasure - 24 covers of Carol of the Bells for the 24 days until christmas! Let's hope we can still all enjoy this song afterwards.
Just click on the images to be taken to each cover! (Youtube)
Props if you stick through them day by day.
Last edited by Dyland (December 23, 2017 (10:08pm))