Topic: The Adventures of Jane - Composer Needed!
Hello everyone,
I am in need of a composer for The Adventures of Jane set to be released towards the end of this month. It's a sci-fi adventure (of course) about Jane and her alien partner Ford and there quest to find the mysterious portal. The film is told by Ford looking back at his time with Jane.
One of the things looking I'm for is a main theme for the heroin of the story, Jane. To say a little more about her she is a strong and brave woman who loves the spirit of adventure. She loves the thrill of it all. The other part of it is I want the film to feel both fun and exciting and at the same time nostalgic. Nostalgic because the film is being told by Ford who is remembering his time with her.
To get a better sense I'm looking for a kinda (but of course not copying) Indiana Jones feel with a Michael Giacchino style to it. I particularly like his style especially with the score to Star Trek (2009) . Of course I would love to see what someone has new to the table and what there style is also, this is just a general idea and feel to what I want the film to sound like. The film isn't too long so the tracks can be anywhere between 15 to 45 seconds, but feel free to compose more it will give a lot more sounds to work with.
I would also really appreciate it to get the score in a week in advance so I can edit it in and get feedback on the rough cut and make any edits if need be.
To show thanks you will be credited at during the end credits by name or your youtube channel (or which ever link you would like). As well the link in the bottom of the video where the description is. However you prefer we can discuss it more when we reach that road. It's my first music collaboration bear with me.
If you are interested and or have anymore questions please send me a pm or comment down below and I'll get back to you as fast as I can. Also to send me a link to any pervious work so I can get a better feel for your style.
Thank you so much!
-Infinity Prime Studios
Last edited by Infinity Prime Studios (July 12, 2016 (10:40pm))