Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

My dad watches it a lot. A whole lot. In Smocktopus's hundred foot hole of hatred, there is a channel called Me TV, which play's all those mentioned and more. I'm fine if everyone else likes it, but I don't.
Edit: Sorry if I kind of look like a jerk or snob. Typing things is harder than saying things mini/wink

Last edited by Smocktopus (January 7, 2016 (12:13pm))

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

I guess old TV isn't quite everyone's cup of tea.

I discovered Hogan's Heroes somewhere around 2006 or 2007, and I loved it.  I used to watch it almost every day until I'd finally seen just about all of the episodes.  I have fond memories of those times.

I haven't seen The Andy Griffith show in such a long time that I can't really remember it.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

I love Hogan's Heroes, it's hilarious, and Gilligan's Island is pretty good as well. I was too young when I watched the Andy Griffith show to remember anything meaningful about it.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

I too loveHogan's heroes.  And, of course,  Gilligan's Island, and the Gilligan movies that followed.  Funny to hear Gilligan say R2-D2!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Andy Griffith is great. I found myself laughing nonstop at quite a few moments.

Been watching a lot of Seinfeld with my family lately. Love the classic episodes, like "The Parking Garage", "The Calzone", "The Dealership", and of course, who could forget "The Chinese Restaurant". Larry David has a fantastic way of conveying humor in these episodes.

One Punch Man is one of the greatest animes I've ever seen. The first few episodes are hilarious, and I don't know why I didn't get my start earlier on. Saitama is one of the best heroes in anime, and the villains are really cool and funny at the same time. It is more of a satirical, fresher take on present-day animes, but when the show takes things seriously, it works most of the time, but in a darkly comic way, which makes things more entertaining. I'll really have to finish watching it.

Theater Class is a really funny Webseries by pre-fame YouTuber Brandon Rogers, that guy from those Vines you may or may not have seen. If you like The Office, or It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, you'll really find this short-lived show enjoyable. I know I did.

Last edited by Mickey (January 11, 2016 (05:38pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?


Last edited by Noah (May 27, 2017 (11:57am))

Formerly known as HeliumBrick

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

One Punch Man was great. I loved it. Bittersweet ending because I want more.

Recently trying to finish the Walking Dead. It's also a lot less gory after you watch some behind the scenes videos. mini/XD

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Political Science Theatre 2016.   Having people at the bottom of the screen mocking the State of the Union address Mystery Science Theatre 3000 style was the only way to get through it.

Spoiler (click to read)

Favorite moment: President says he reduced the deficit by 3/4 and Pat says, "You lying sack"

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Cowboy Bebop

Why God? After the finale, I literally cried. This is the best anime I ever watched.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Funmi, my Wife's a big fan, but when she gets to the end, instead of crying, she just returns to the beginning and starts all over again!!!!

Sort of like what I do with Transformers.  Now, with 3 seasons of Japanese episodes on DVD added to my arsenal!!!  And while the awesome factor of the Japanese series is high, the writing doesn't hold a candle to the American series.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The X-Files Season One
Amazon Prime has led me to watch something I probably never would have planned to watch. I thought I would give it a go, not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised. I am really enjoying them. For something that old, it really doesn't show it's age hugely, which is how I expected it to be. It has to be said that with prime, I have definitely discovered a wider range of tv shows (and movies), that I would have otherwise disregarded. And it was funny seeing a young Seth Green in ep 2, before he was famous. I would probably give this an 8/10.

Hell on Wheels Season One
I was not hugely impressed by the first few episodes, but once it reached ep 7, it became excellent. I would give this an 7.8/10.

Grimm Season One
If you overlook the sometimes laughable special effects, I think you'll actually really enjoy this, I know I am. In a way, it does share some similarities with the X-Files, in that it has the detective element with a massive sample of the supernatural. I'd give this an 8/10.

Last edited by William Osborne (January 26, 2016 (04:58pm))

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The Jeffersons.

Lucky to find out they're showing blocks on Encore Black, though it's on the season i have on DVD.  It's one of the series whose high quality I try to reflect in Holding Our Own.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?


They're both excellent shows spun off the same program... my mistake.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?


A less effective episode this week, but before this one, it's been getting getting better by the episode!  The dramatic tension was heavy, though, during the alter ego scenes.

And of course!  Sunday was my annual Robot Chicken marathon!  I chose season 2 this year, my favorite.  Ironically, Listening to DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince also has become a tradition in the past few years!!!  I hear this was the best year for a RObot Chicken marathon in over a decade!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Better Call Saul

It's interesting to me how little buzz this show has gotten compared to the insane, unavoidable hype over Breaking Bad during its later seasons. Really liking it and the second season continues to be strong, although it hasn't reached the high level of "what's gonna happen next?! I have to keep watching" that Breaking Bad eventually did.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The Sopranos

Recently completed for the first time, it's difficult to choose between Breaking Bad or The Sopranos, but one of them is certainly my favorite show of all time. I'd recommend it to anyone who can handle the content and is okay with the slow burn style, which is really the reason for watching the show. Plot lines start one season, remain a minor subplot for a couple until they come back in a big way. Lots of great, realistic characters and overall a great show with a diverse number of episodes. Not to mention that ending, utterly brilliant.

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The Real O'Neils (or ten minutes of it)
Won't get those 10 minutes of my life back.  If a show is to be about a Catholic family, hire writers with a nominal understanding of the Catholic faith.  Instead, this show relies on the worst stereotypes.

it followed

The Goldbergs

The Dirty Dancing vs Footloose motif throughout was very fun, but the highlight of the show was Murray's face while he's swimming the doggie paddle!  Rewound and re-watched it (and paused) several times!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The last TV show I watched was
Person Of Interest (seasons 1-4)
It was quite good, I enjoyed the premise and as a whole the acting, story, and filmmaking has been very solid.  I first saw Michael Emerson as Benjamin Linus on LOST, and I really loved his character on there.  Seeing that he plays Finch in PoI is what first got me interested in the show, and from there I've really enjoyed all of what I've seen of it from there.  I'll certainly keep up with season 5 as it airs.

edit: I neglected to mention how much I've enjoyed some of the characters arcs in the show.  Everyone has something unique about them that keeps them interested, and I've definoitly found myself caring about the characters and being invested in who they become.  Carl Elias and Root have been particularly fantastic in their roles.

Last edited by JonnDthunDer (March 4, 2016 (03:20pm))

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

Man in the High Castle
Very, very well done. Beautiful cinematography. Engaging atmosphere. And the season finale will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about life. It is well deserving of it's MA rating, but still definitely worth while.

Now available to score films.

"Contrary to the old saying, the trick is not to expect but accept the unexpec..." ~ Rick Rascal

Re: What was the last TV show you watched?

The X-Files (2016)
Does it compare to the original X-Files? Of course not, but overall it was an enjoyable series. The first episode was definitely the weakest of the episodes, in my opinion, but I suppose they found it difficult trying to work out bringing back an old TV show. The episodes that followed the season premiere, however were much more enjoyable. The critics panned the season finale, saying it was a disappointing end of a disappointing series. I don't fully agree though.

Spoiler (click to read)

The finale was actually, in my opinion, one of the better episodes in the series. The ending was somewhat sudden, but I heard there's going to be a following series, so I guess they'll continue from there.

I'd give this a 6/10. It is by no means comparable to the original, but it's still worth a watch, so if you've only seen episode 1, don't give up from there. Trust me, it gets a lot better.