Topic: Which bulbs are best for lighting?

In many of my later brickfilms, such as Mr Mean: Mr Mean's Day Out, Frozen - For The First Time In Forever, and Character Clash, I have been using just natural sunlight. This looks great, because it gives quite a realistic effect, but it can be a problem when it comes to light flicker. So I just bought a desk light, but the colour looks terrible, or at least not as good as sunlight, because the bulb gives off a yellowery colour. Which bulbs are best for animating? (bearing in mind I'm on a budget.)


Desk Light

Last edited by William Osborne (August 17, 2015 (04:56am))

Re: Which bulbs are best for lighting?

Here's a topic where several members detailed their lighting setups.
Could be helpful.

What kind of bulb do you have, and what is your white balance set at?
Also, just the one lamp? You'll probably get better lighting on a shot like this with two or three.

Re: Which bulbs are best for lighting?

I use two lamps, one is a desk lamp, the other is a shadeless table lamp. I use incandescent yellow cast bulbs. I put the white balance on the furthest down, and it made quite a difference. Before I did that, it looked worse.

Re: Which bulbs are best for lighting?

Use a florescent light bulb. They don't get hot and give great light. If the colour is bad adjust the white balance.

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.