Topic: Cliché

ya so basically, what ive been working on is this thing which is basically a satire of student film clichés. i wrote it as a joke and filming slowly got more and more serious and then it was nominated for way more awards than it deserved i think

Re: Cliché

Haha how many awards did it win?

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: Cliché

None, but it was nominTed for best picture, best editing and best directing I think. Or maybe best cinemoTpgraphy. I forget. I'm not really focusing on putting this one out there because the other film Run For Your Life is currently going to a lotta festivals which is fun (it made semi finals in UIL film and I just now got accepted to Ayff)

Re: Cliché

TopiT!  I missed you!  I am short on time but I will definitely enjoy your video soon!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Cliché

Boy, Cinema Sins would have a field day...

Great work, I enjoyed this a lot. Got a weird Scott Pilgrim/Napoleon Dynamite vibe from it, though. But, that's not at all a bad thing.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Cliché

Nicely done!

RedBrick1/LegoTrain587 | EXPANSE | A Brickfilm

Re: Cliché

oh man thank yall!! sorry for the late reply bc i dont visit here too often. I'm very glad you liked this film!! I have another idea similar to this but its making fun of specifically indie films. With the Bon Iver soundtrack and everything. yep.

Mickey wrote:

Boy, Cinema Sins would have a field day...

Great work, I enjoyed this a lot. Got a weird Scott Pilgrim/Napoleon Dynamite vibe from it, though. But, that's not at all a bad thing.

oh man!! that's a great compliment. napoleon dynamite is definitely one of my favorite films ever and I suppose I was making fun of it a little here. ANd in the past few days I've been watching more things by Edgar Wright (the scott pilgrim director) and his style really reminds me of stephen's (the guy who plays josh). stephen is a very good friend of mine and he makes absolutely riotous films that remind me of yeah, scott pilgrim a little bit (also the graduate!! which has similar editing, in my opinion) but yea u should watch stephen's films theyre absolutely ludicrous and i think this was influenced by him a lot