Topic: Pirates are coming back in 2015!!!!! s-revealed
What do you guys think? As long as it stays simple I think it will be great!!!!!!!!
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What do you guys think? As long as it stays simple I think it will be great!!!!!!!!
I like the price points listed, I hope those turn out to be accurate.
Yeah, it's cool, though never a series I got into. I was out of Lego use during that period. We didn't get the 2015 retailers' book/ PDF yet, and all this stuff gets posted as soon as the first unscrupulous person gets his hands on one.
I always didn't like them adding stories to the themes. Doesn't the Lego Group realize that kids have their own imaginations?
How am I supposed to play with my toys if I have no idea what the storyline is? That's like pretending to be Spiderman without my official "Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man Mega Blaster Web Shooter with Glove" which only costs $16.99 US dollars (not including tax). That makes no sense, why would I buy that?
What is that? That sounds hard. Does it require effort?
I don't want this.
I hope they don't do a story. Back when I played with LEGO in the floor, I liked to use the minifigs and pretend they were people. They were people that I made up in my mind. Now-a-days, you cannot do that. If it's Ninjago's Kai, you have to pretend that he has fire ninja powers, and his sister is Nya, and such like that. I like themes without definite story lines. TV commercial stories are OK, but full story lines are a no for me. Anyway, I never say Pirates as the bad guys. I liked the pirates, and thought that the Imperials were bad because pirates are cooler than they are!
If it's Ninjago's Kai, you have to pretend that he has fire ninja powers
I don't really think it matters if there is a story or not. I mean, its not like just they give kids a story, they have to go along with it. You can still create your own storyline or whatever. I think kids are just lazy and stories help sell the products better.
For example, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so I always just pretend the prequels were never made.
Pirates are great, I really hope they pop in with a collectors level set, the Imperial ship they released with there last pirate release was just excellent, although it would have been better if it was pirates not imperials. I would love some kind of $150 - $200 pirate base, I would buy that in a heart beat.
For example, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so I always just pretend the prequels were never made.
Those were amazing films!!!!!!!!!!!!
But back on topic, there don't look like there many sets for the Pirates coming out. I have to wonder if this will be like the last run and we will only get one wave of sets.
For example, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so I always just pretend the prequels were never made.
Same here.
I never got to fully enjoy the LEGO Pirates line, and I haven't seen much from the comeback version, besides the logo, so this may be a fun series. Now they only have to bring Western back to toy store shelves, and I'll take back every bad thing I've said about the present-day LEGO company.
I would love for the theme to come back; I've never really had the pleasure to fully enjoy it, and it would be fantastic to get my hands on either an Imperial or a Pirate ship. It would also be excellent if this could start a chain of brand new Pirate brickfilms. The major Pirate brickfilms out there have always incredibly inspired me, so it would be great to see some new Pirate adventures.
Of course, like with Hollywood, it's always more refreshing to see new and more original ideas rather than bring old themes back from the dead, but I can't say I'm disappointed with this case because the Pirate theme is probably my favorite.
Last edited by Tobias (August 31, 2014 (09:19am))
Sweet, pirates are back! I love pirates! Maybe the new sets will help inspire me and I will be able to finish my pirate movie scripts! I'm thinking about making it a hard-hitting allegory about human greed...this could take awhile...
For example, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so I always just pretend the prequels were never made.
That was hurtful . It may be because I was raised on the prequels and saw most of them before I saw the originals, but I actually liked the prequels (please don't come to my door with an angry mob!) I mean, they aren't as good as the originals, but they're still Star Wars! The first two are pretty okay, but Revenge of the Sith?! That one's awesome! Yeah, a lot of the romance sucks, but the rest is great. Order 66 is among the most dramatic Star Wars moments ever. So...the prequels are good too. I'm not trying to anger anyone, it is simply my opinion. Hmm, this doesn't relate much to pirates...I'll just go out on saying that I hope they don't just remake the 2009 line of sets.
That was hurtful
. It may be because I was raised on the prequels and saw most of them before I saw the originals, but I actually liked the prequels (please don't come to my door with an angry mob!) I mean, they aren't as good as the originals, but they're still Star Wars! The first two are pretty okay, but Revenge of the Sith?! That one's awesome! Yeah, a lot of the romance sucks, but the rest is great. Order 66 is among the most dramatic Star Wars moments ever. So...the prequels are good too. I'm not trying to anger anyone, it is simply my opinion. Hmm, this doesn't relate much to pirates...I'll just go out on saying that I hope they don't just remake the 2009 line of sets.
Thank you!
For example, I am a huge Star Wars fan, so I always just pretend the prequels were never made.
I disagree, but I don't want to start another fan war
I'm happy with the return of Pirates, and I especially hope the Soldiers will be bluecoats.
I also like the prequels. And I like the romance. I've been playing a lot of YOUNG JEDI lately, based on episode I, which I began playing while my wife & i were engaged. I dug out all my old cards and then bought some more on eBay. Except for a few expansions, they're relatively cheap for a collectible card game. I really went off topic. Mainly, I like the prequels.
Remember fellas, this is about Pirates returning, not Star Wars.
I'm happy for it, and even more so since the AFOL community has had the chance to provide a lot of feedback on it's development. And while I may not actually buy any sets, that doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye out for it.
Just to see the designs and story, if nothing else.
"The Brick Bounty"... how original.
Well, at least it's better than PotC... (although that theme did have some great parts...). As long LEGO doesn't make it all cheesy and childish like their most recent Castle theme, it sounds like it'll be good. I doubt I'll be gettting any sets at this point, but I'm curious to see what it will be like.
I am thinking about getting some of the 2009 sets on bricklink so I can have a few Pirates when the new sets come out.
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of waiting for a new theme?
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