Topic: How To Change To Widescreen?

I'm really new. I don't have much knowledge in the field of technology, so could one please! Help I really need to know how to have widescreen in my film's, because certain people get really P.O'd for not having it widescreen...

(*cough* Hazzat *cough*)

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

Assuming you mean 16:9 aspect ratio, i don't really know anyone who gets mad at 4:3...

Depends what software you use.  Do tell.

"I am Kansas" -Smeagol

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

Umm... I use Stop Motion Pro V6 and WMM1.
And thats it, I know I really need to update.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

REAL 16:9 is mostly not possible.
You have to edit it n Postproduction.
Therefore you can use VirtualDub to cut/delete the heith of the movie.
Or you just put a 16:9-mask on the video.
Means, the real solution is still 4:3, but looks like 16:9

For detailed informations may be you should ask Smeagol.
(I hope you know Smeagol...??? )

Last edited by mario72 (February 23, 2009 (01:35am))

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

LamplightStudios wrote:

(*cough* Hazzat *cough*)

It starts to get annoying when you only ask about Hazzat. Just PM him if you want to ask him!

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

It depends on how wide you want it.
The first thing to do is download VirtualDub.
You should then import the video, go to Filters---->Add----->Null transform, and then select the Cropping option. The amount of pixels you remove on the top and bottom is up to you.
Let's just say your aspect ratio is 720 x 480. You would remove 75 pixels vertically, leaving you 720 x 405, which equals 16 x 9.


Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

mario72 wrote:

(I hope you know Smeagol...??? )

Yes I know Smeagol. who doesnt. mini/smile

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

Um, hi.

mario72 pretty much covered it.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

hi. mini/smile

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

I can convert you films from 4:3 to 16:9 for you but it will cut some of the top and the bottom off the video. (It’s the only way it can be done) Unless you film with a 16:9 widescreen camera.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

Dude, don't listen to people who automatically tell you to make your films widescreen. Widescreen for its own sake is pretty awful to behold, and there are some great films out there that do quite well with 4:3.

It is true, though, that a 16:9 aspect ratio can be a lot more useful if you're really trying to work with composition. I might also add that it saves you some bricks, since your sets don't have to be as high. mini/tongue

In short, you should use widescreen consciously. Some animating programs have an option to put a widescreen mask over the image so you can see what it will look like; I highly recommend this.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

Why thank you my good chap.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

LamplightStudios wrote:

Why thank you my good chap.

Are you talking to me?? mini/confused

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

When you animate, if you have intentions to make it widescreen, think ahead: You don't want the character's head above the letterbox!
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.

Re: How To Change To Widescreen?

When you animate, if you have intentions to make it widescreen, think ahead: You don't want the character's head above the letterbox!
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.