Topic: Deleting Films from the Directory

Could someone delete my ninjago 1 - 9 episodes from the directory? It would be nice.

(by the way I think we should have a button where the creator can delete their videos.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Our head administrator, Sméagol, could delete your said films, if you PM him and ask him nicely. He will probably say something along the lines of "it would be nice if people didn't delete their films, because it's fun to see where these talented members have gotten their start" and guilt-trip you out. But, I do think that's how it works.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

I've wanted the power to delete my own films from the directory for years now, particularly since I've deleted a few of my Brickfilms from YouTube - meaning the directory page just leads to a broken link.

Max, She/They

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

I think someone should d/l and archive all brickfilmers' early works for 2 reasons: 1) Mickey had the right idea about seeing how ppl got their start.  2) we could use the videos to blackmail them.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Mickey wrote:

Our head administrator, Sméagol, could delete your said films, if you PM him and ask him nicely. He will probably say something along the lines of "it would be nice if people didn't delete their films, because it's fun to see where these talented members have gotten their start" and guilt-trip you out. But, I do think that's how it works.

Well someone deleted them thankfully. mini/tongue

If people want to see my old stinky horrible videos go to the Youtube channel in my sig.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Pah! I'm like Stanley Kubrick in that I burn anything I've made that I'm not happy with. Sadly, thats where the similarities between Kube and I end.

I'm sure you can find other things to blackmail me with...

Max, She/They

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

I kind of agree with Mickey, I mean, it is interesting seeing how brickfilmers started and seeing their improvements over time, though there are one or two videos of mine that don't deserve to be seen by the public, that's my own fault. I should have at least waited a day to think, "Is this video good enough?" If it isn't , just don't release it. Who knows? Maybe you can save them for a future montage when reaching a subscriber milestone! (but that's probably just me being a optimist)

Moderator note: please do not use signatures larger than 400x100px.


Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

I think it should be fair that only videos that don't actually exist on the internet anymore should be taken from the directory, or on a case-by-case basis if there's a specific reason for wanting to take a video down.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Just adding a delete button would be nice, I wouldn't want to bother anyone about deleting a film for me.

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Right, so I'll keep my crappy films which I can't even bring myself to re-watch just in case I ever become mildy popular and people want to go back and gaffaw at them with bucked teeth whilst sipping wine.

What happened to the artist being in control of her/his art?

Max, She/They

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Personally I like the idea of keeping early films around for the reasons Mickey paraphrased from Smeagol, though I agree that people should be able to remove their own work if they so desire.

That said, for the time being there isn't a delete button so it would be great if people took that into consideration before uploading multiple films and asking us to remove them days later.

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

Max Butcher wrote:

the artist being in control of her/his art?

Max...I don't think that is a real thing.

Also, I think that it might be nice for the user to have a bit more control over the directory. A directory deleting button is a great idea, it would at least save the moderators a some trouble.

Another little detail that might be nice is to put a marker next to any film made for a contest like BRAWL or THAC, and to put a different colored marker next to a film that won. Just an idea...

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: Deleting Films from the Directory

My first link bugged out with a sql error.  Ive reported it by post and to moderators.  I suspect it will stay there and broken forever.  No harm, but there is a need for delete for administration reasons.

Aka Fox
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