Topic: Just a suggestion to see if anyone would like the idea...

Well... I have an idea for a series, called "Larry". (Please tell me if anyone else has done a brickfilm with the name "larry" in it...)
Well, he's a little like spongebob... But dumber. Much dumber. Here's a part of a script that I made.
Cashier: "That'll be 20 Dollars please."
Larry: "I only got a hundred."
Larry starts crying really loud.
Cashier: "Uh... sir?"
Larry is still crying.
Cashier: "SIR."
Larry is still crying.
Cashier: "SIR!!!"
Larry: "Yeah?"
Cashier: "I could just give you change."
Larry: "NO! Change is for sissys!"
Cashier: "Okay..."
Just wondering if anyone would like this kind of seires. I does not include him sitting on a couch with a friend. At all.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: Just a suggestion to see if anyone would like the idea...

with the right voice for Larry then that would be pretty funny!:)

"Just Find The Lego In Life!"

Re: Just a suggestion to see if anyone would like the idea...

If you want it to be funny you have to execute it well and have a good cast. mini/wink