Topic: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

When I first saw the Lord of the Rings films (and the English prequels), I then wanted to make a Lord of the Rings brickfilm. Not a short comedy like this or this (even if they are good mini/wink ). But, an actual brickfilm with a deep and exciting storyline.

I haven't mapped out the plot completely, but I suppose it could be sort of an alternate storyline. A "revised" twist to the trilogy, if you will. I'm not going to change the whole thing entirely (like replace Orcs with bloodthirsty clowns), but it makes me think, "What if this happened instead?" or "If that happened, then shouldn't that have happened too?". I'll tweak it just a little, like maybe there would be a fifth Hobbit, or if Legolas wasn't an elf. Something different, but not an extreme change.

I'm not sure when I'm going to start production, but hopefully sometime around March 2013. At the moment, I only have four or five LEGO sets (the actual sets that my little brother bought at the LEGO store in Austin), but I'm probably not going to use those. I'll use the minifigs, but I'll try my hand at building my own sets. I'll have to save up enough sets to buy the Hobbit house and [maybe] the Battle of Helm's Deep. So, er...that could take a while. mini/tongue

I'll put out a casting call when I've finished the script, and I'll update this as much as I can. In fact, here's a little sneak peek to get this going. Here's Gandalf the Grey (on the left) and Gandalf the White (on the right). Now, I only have one Gandalf head, so I had to make do with a Lucius Malfoy head. But, you can't tell because it's covered up by his beard.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

Sounds good Mickey.
Like your take and how you plan to give it an alternate feel.
Good luck.

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

Did a quick read-through of what I've written so far, and I timed it. It all adds up to over 57 minutes? Yikes, and I'm not even halfway done! mini/dizzy

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

I would love to see a Film like this. I can't wait for this to come out. You have gotten me excited. mini/smile

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

Ambition is great, but make sure you're not going in over your head.
I've never seen a brickfilm of yours, so I don't know your capabilities as an animator, but trust me when I tell you that a one hour brickfilm will take a long time to finish and that it will be an extremely difficult project. Especially if you want it to look decent.

Good luck either way.

My old YouTube is since long ago defunct - now even removed.
Here is my new one.

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

Filip wrote:

Ambition is great, but make sure you're not going in over your head.
I've never seen a brickfilm of yours, so I don't know your capabilities as an animator, but trust me when I tell you that a one hour brickfilm will take a long time to finish and that it will be an extremely difficult project. Especially if you want it to look decent.

Good luck either way.

I agree with you bud. The Batman film I am
currently working on is 11 pages and even though I
am enjoying the filming process it is taking a lot longer
then I first thought.
So I can only imagine with a script that long
how much work will be involved.
But all the best of luck to you Mickey,if you need any
voicing done let me know. Myself and the guys who voice
for me are at your disposal.

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

It it's 57 minutes, Break it up into a trilogy, as long as the classic three stages of development are present.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

I, too, suggest making something smaller. I once wrote a feature length script for a Fellowship of the Ring LEGO movie (based on the novel, not the Peter Jackson film) and it was just a little ridiculously ambitious to actually be carried out by one person.

Maybe make little vignettes based around scenes from the books that weren't in the films or something like that? Or short adventures using the characters but telling your own story ideas. Being part Took and all, there's plenty of room for Frodo to have adventures in the Shire between the time periods of "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings"

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

Well, I think you guys are right. I think I'll split the film up into parts somehow.

So, I feel good about the script. I got about 50+ pages done, and I'm entering the part where Gandalf and Pippin go to Minas Tirith to meet Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. You might refer to this part in The Return of the King movie. I'm really excited to get down to scripting the battle scenes. But, I keep wondering how I will pull off the actual filming...

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: Untitled LOTR brickfilm

I dunno about this. If I were you I'd pick something that hasn't been done yet (there are plenty of LOTR wannabe novels) OR I would make up my own storyline from scratch. Like 100 years after the ring was destroyed or 50-100 years before Hobbit and etc. Of course if it's really well animated I'd watch it no matter what storyline there is mini/lol