Topic: Tripod Help

I just got a SunPak 6200PG tripod and a Panasonic HC-V500M camera for Christmas. In the footage that I have shot so far, there is a mild shake. I suspect the shake is the result of the shutter button being suspended off the tripiod, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions? (And I already checked, there is not a remote compatible with my camera).

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Re: Tripod Help

I always turn on the stabilizer and mine's on a scruffy carpet to reduce massive shaking/jittering that would happen on a regular hard floor.

Any other suggestions?

Re: Tripod Help

The only thing I can think of is using the inbuilt timer in your camera. The minimum is usually 2 seconds. This is probably going to be annoying to animated with as you must wait 2 seconds to view the frame and begin on the next one, but thats the only solution I have right now. Also try and see if you can change your options so that you only have to press the shutter halfway (I believe I can do that on my camera, though I'm not 100% sure).