Topic: Holding Our Own: Episode 2

Hey, all!
Thanks to everyone who watched episode 1 of Holding Our Own.  I hope you enjoyed seeing it as I did making it!
Progress is going well on episode 2.  Most of the voice work is done, and the animation is about 20 to 25% complete.  Much more of this episode will be at 15 FPS, instead of the 10 FPS from episode 1.  This means that I'e got to work faster, since episode 2 will also be over 20 minutes in length.  But the results in the tests I'e done are much smoother.  Episode 2 is going to expand the cast, introducing some friends of Melissa, and a some other characters inoled with Angela.  And there will be lots of 80s music in episode 2.  When it's done, see if you can name them all!

You can see episode 1 at
The episode is broken up into 4 parts, so you don't hae to watch the whole 22 minute episode at once.

And I'e started a Tumblr page which is being filled with production information on the series:

reply here with your comments on the series!  I loe to know what people think!

Last edited by HoldingOurOwn (November 12, 2012 (12:01pm))

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."