Topic: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

I clicked on the "films tab," scrolled down a bit and saw this:

It's on three out of the top four, but none of the others. (That I looked at.)
On the film's page it shows the running time correctly, but not in the list.
Does anybody else have this problem?

Re: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

Wierd. For me it's the first, third, and fourth films listed. There must be something going on with the site, with the spontaneous logging out, and now this.... mini/shifty

Re: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

I saw the same thing on the front page earlier today (it's gone now).

For me, it shows up on the first, third, and fifth film listed.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

For some reason "Thorrible Pun" slipped in between the two shown in the picture above even though it was posted sometime afterwards. The other one messing up for me is "Rocket Heist." I think we're talking about the same films, but with more films being posted, we should probably switch from naming the ranks to the film titles.

Re: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

Aware of the problem, we fixed it in other parts of the site earlier but I'll have to take a look at this remaining issue.

Re: Running time glitch in "Films" tab.

Ah, nevermind. It was just the caching system that kept it from getting fixed right away on the directory.