Topic: Posters

I was thinking I'd make a thread for "Posters". What I mean is Things stuck to walls in Brickfilms. I made a couple for a Brickfilm I'm working on and I thought there could be a Thread just for short Tutorials on how to make them and how to use them. Since this is my first topic not about specific brickfilms then this might be stupid.

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: Posters

Not stupid, but already done before.

Re: Posters

I don't mean posters for brickfilms soon to come. I mean actual pieces of paper that are stuck to bricks and used in brickfilms. Like this:

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: Posters

Actually, I think Cloniac was referring to wall decor for sets in Brickfilms. Not actual film posters. I'm not sure that this needs an entire thread to itself, but perhaps some people would be interested in this.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind. Right as I posted that, Cloniac posted something too.

Re: Posters

I bought a bunch of these from my local toy store with the intention of sticking them on walls. Yep, Salvador Dali is pretty much a genius.

Re: Posters

This would probably fall under the umbrella of the Sets and Props thread, but I like the idea of having a place for people to go to find designs they can use for set dressing. How about people post a link to their design for other people to use, if they so please?