Topic: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

Ok, so I looked at the resources section and it said that 1/60 or higher was good. I use 1/60, and I have no light flicker! Well, maybe a few frames, but you know. So what do you guys think? 1/60 works really well, so I could use it, but if there is another thing, tell me. Here are my cam settings:
Shutter speed:
Auto                  manual focus*
1/60 *                One more thing, I have this setting called AE Shift. (Auto Exposure) Will that work for stop-motion?
1/100                  Overall, are my settings correct?
White balance

Re: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

And don't think I'll get all mad this time. I won't!

Re: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

Rule of thumb: if it says "Auto", change it to "Manual". Auto means that the camera will adjust itself as conditions change. That's very useful when filming live-action, but winds up being bad news for animators, because we don't want the camera to change its settings based on a hand being shoved in the shot between frames. The other stuff is subjective. We can't tell you if it'll look good or bad without knowing more about the shot you're filming. Honestly though, you should just play around with it and see what works. You'll learn more from that than you would from having us tell you what to do.

Re: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

Yeah, I would post pictures, but I'm not registered on a photo sharing site. But thanks for the tips! I already knew not to turn things to Auto. So yeah.

Re: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

Use Imgur. You don't need an account for it.

Re: Shutter speed.(cam settings)

Shutter speed is almost irrelevant in stop-motion, at least compared to live action video. Just make sure you keep it at a steady rate. I'd probably favor a slow shutter so you get more light and less digital noise.