Topic: Mark all forums as read?

Is there/can there be a button next to the 'new posts' etc to say 'Mark ALL Forums as read'?

And no, there isnt one already. I want all forums as read, not topics.

Re: Mark all forums as read?

EDIT: Never mind...

Re: Mark all forums as read?

The "Mark all topics as read" link at the bottom of the "New Posts" page will do what you're wanting.  Since all topics would include all forums, every topic in every forum will be marked as read.

Re: Mark all forums as read?

If I spend too long writing a post (which is every time) and come back to the main page of the forum everything is marked "read." Before I had started to write my post many of the forums had colored blocks next to them to alert me to new content. Once I post and spit back to the main page, everything is as if I had read it.

I know it sounds weird and I've learned to live with it by finding the threads I am interested in and looking at dates and timestamps. I just thought I would throw it out there as it seems to be a glitch.


Re: Mark all forums as read?

That's why I open new threads in tabs. It preserves the original page and allows me all the time in the world to delve into the madness. Perhaps this would be a useful substitute?

Re: Mark all forums as read?

Nice. Thank you. I will try that.
