Topic: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

I Am Planning To Do A Movie Called "Grandpa's Tales" Wich Is About Grandfathers Tales About When He Was Back In 1888 Any Ideas I Am Soon Going To Post A Few Of The Voice Actors That I Need And Dont Worry I Am Not Going To Quit This Movie Like I Did With Back To The Future Movie
Please Post A Idea

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

Grandpa’s Tales

This Story Starts In London In The Year 1964
We Are Sitting In Dave Watsons Living Room

Scene 1

Dave: Adam My Son Remember That We Shall Go Visiting Grandpa Today.

Adam: But Daddy It Is So Boring Visiting Grandpa We Are Only Sitting And Listening To His Stories All Day Long

Dave: But Grandpa Love Telling His Stories To Us

Adam: But He Is Also Lying He Wasn’t Living In The 1800 Century

Dave: Oh Yes He Was

Adam: No He Wasn’t

Dave: Okay He Wasn’t

Adam: And he Smoke So Much There Smells Like A Burning House

Dave: But Still It Makes Him Glad When We Is Visiting Him

Scene 2

They Had Arrived At Grandpa You Can Hear Someone Knocking On The Door And Grandpa Goes Over And Opens The Door

Dave: Oh Hello Grandpa Me And Adam Are So Glad To See You Don’t You Think That

Adam Is Sitting I A Chair I The Place Most Far Away From Grandpa As Possibly And Playing On His PSP

Dave: I Said Isn’t We Glad To See You Grandpa (He Is Saying I An Almost Yelling Tone)

Adam: Sure

Grandpa: Oh Sure Come And Sit In The Couch… Also You Adam ´Put That Stupid Thing Away and Come and Sit Here next To Me

Adam Doesn’t Listen

Grandpa: I Said (Now He Is Yelling) Put That Stupid Thing Away And Come Over Her To Sit And Here Your Grandfather Telling Stories About His Live
Grandpa Switch Over To A More Kind Of A Glad And Storytelling Voice.

Grandpa: It Was August 15 1889 I Remember It As Yesterday

While He Is Saying This There Is A Sort Of A Flashback To August 15 1889

And Now I Need Ideas To Find Out What There Is Going To Happen

Okay This Is The Story Until Now Now I Only Need Ideas For It

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

haha I like the idea, makes me think of grandpa from the simpsons.

You could make some of war maybe he was on a mission to kill adolf (then change the date) ? Or he had this mafia friend who got him in some kinda of trouble.
This idea has endless possibilities you should make like different episodes.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

DoubleVstudios wrote:

This idea has endless possibilities you should make like different episodes.

...Different episodes with different possibilities mini/confused?...

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

MPfist0 wrote:
DoubleVstudios wrote:

This idea has endless possibilities you should make like different episodes.

...Different episodes with different possibilities mini/confused?...

What do you mean ?

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

DoubleVstudios wrote:
MPfist0 wrote:
DoubleVstudios wrote:

This idea has endless possibilities you should make like different episodes.

...Different episodes with different possibilities mini/confused?...

What do you mean ?

ah, forget it...

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

...What I mean is: after the first episode, he could do a lot of "episode number 2" that starts all at the same way but then change the history the grandpa is telling every time, do you understand what I mean, now?...

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

Great Ideas By The Way Try Look At The Audio Forum I Need Voice Actors

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

MPfist0 wrote:

...What I mean is: after the first episode, he could do a lot of "episode number 2" that starts all at the same way but then change the history the grandpa is telling every time, do you understand what I mean, now?...

I don't really get what you mean no. (i'm from belgium my english isn't perfect)
But what I mean: You can make for every story an episode, that's all..

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

Grandpa: It was spring and I took a trip on the ship Lusitania with my brother, we were going to england to join the British army to fight the germans in world war I,  everything was great, the food was delicous, music was played, and there was a talent show on board one night, me and my brother re-enacted Hamlet, the next day my brother and I waited by deck and stared out into the ocean, we saw land, we saw land alright, but that view was short lived. I saw a periscope from a german submarine. I grabbed my brothers hand and dragged him to the lifeboat closest to us. Suddenly an explosion ripped through the ship.

Kid: What happened next?

Grandpa: The ship was hit and it began to tilt, people were rolling down the decks, people flew over the railing. The funnels were falling onto the lifeboats, the lifeboats then tilted letting their hyman cargo fall into the 50 degree ocean water below. I yelled  for someone to lower the lifeboat but it was too late, a funnel began to fall and it hit my lifeboat and broke my foot. I fell into the ocean with my brother. I laid on the ocean with no life vest then everything went dark. I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in a lifeboat with my brother, we survived.

Kid: Was your brother hurt?

Grandpa: Yes, but not badly, he got a cut in his arm.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

DoubleVstudios wrote:
MPfist0 wrote:

...What I mean is: after the first episode, he could do a lot of "episode number 2" that starts all at the same way but then change the history the grandpa is telling every time, do you understand what I mean, now?...

I don't really get what you mean no. (i'm from belgium my english isn't perfect)
But what I mean: You can make for every story an episode, that's all..

oh... that's what I mean too...(i'm from Italy so my english is horrible)

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

Ok heres goos my idea: he meet a wonderfulgirl and they love itch adder so the make up very much then one day she meet one eells and break uot with him and maryd She with that guy.

Just a noob.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

Okay Take A Look At This Title And Tell Me What ou Think About It Please

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

I think it would look better if the word 'Grandpa's' was all in black. Nice chair design!

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

I love the use of legs on that chair.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

SmallTimeProductions wrote:

I love the use of legs on that chair.

Thanks You're Welcome To Use It

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

awsome chair design...

Hazzat wrote:

I think it would look better if the word 'Grandpa's' was all in black.

That's what I would say...

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"
Do You Think That It Should Be More Like That

Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

I think the whole screen should have the photo filling it, like in the first one.
Also, do what Hazzat said.

You can do anything, just have fun while doing it.

Re: Need Ideas For "Grandpa's Tales"

D.J.M. wrote:

I think the whole screen should have the photo filling it, like in the first one.
Also, do what Hazzat said.


Ohhh! I slapped my leg but it's actually my balls!- Hal.