Topic: Captured Frame Record Spreadsheet - Free to download

Today I was lazing about not animating and was thinking of ways to make the process easier. I came up with this spreadsheet:

Please feel free to download it:
Excel 97-2003 edition here
Excel 2007 and later edition here

IMPORTANT: For some reason the 2003 edition of excel is limited to 256 rows which means you can have only up to 253 frames worth of grid but this restriction is removed in office 2007 which allows something like up to 3000 rows so get the 2007 edition if possible

While i'm sure many of you have much better ways of doing something similar (or could make something similar in 5 minutes) I guess I just felt in a helpful mood. mini/smile

Also I have cleared the rows containing the 3 characters and their actions (rows 6,7,8) as they were there just as an example on one way Frame Record could be used.

Please tell me if you like it / decide to use it!

Last edited by BoatsAreRockable (February 17, 2012 (05:11pm))

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Re: Captured Frame Record Spreadsheet - Free to download

I really like this, and will most likely use it! I have been trying to put together a spreadsheet like this for a while, but never could figure out a good way, but this looks great! mini/bigsmile