Topic: Suggestion for a new feature in posting

As seen in the resources, you can create 'sections' using the [section][/section] bbcode. Many people create tutorials in posts rather than in the resources due to:
1. The resources aren't viewed as much
2. The resources do not have the feature of having comments on a tutorial.

Though you may be asking yourself:
But aren't tutorials supposed to go into the resources, and not in the forums at all?

My answer: Somewhat true, but tutorials are not the only types of posts that use sections (headers and sub-headers). I recieved the idea of requesting sections because I wanted to create a thread, that had sections. It wasn't a tutorial, but more of an... informative type of post.

But now I'm guessing you're thinking:
But no posts are that big, and no post needs to be that big.

But some Posts are that big, and some people (I've seen on other forums), create sections by making a second, third, or even fourth enormous post underneath their original, then link back to those from the first. I somewhat consider this... spam. Even though it's helping the community, it's still double posting.

I suggest this feature again because sometimes you wish to constantly update your first post, so you can.. let's say... post a link of brickfilms people created and posted in the thread on a certain date. For example:
If fancypants (even though he's not brickfilming anymore) wanted to update his original post in the weekly challenge so not only did it include the winners of each entry, but included the week's name, and all the entries, he could easily make it organized.

But NOW I'm thinking you're saying:
but if anyone wanted to see all the entries, they could easily scroll through his original first post and find the week

The thing is, there would be so many weeks of competition, that it would take forever to find the right week. So that way, all the week's themes would be at the top of the post, then you click the section title (theme), and it would bring you to an entire list of all the entries from that one list.

Hopefully you can understand where I'm getting to. It's quite hard to think on the spot, in a hurry.

If there is a specific reason why this feature is not in the forums, please tell me, that way I would at least know the reason, but if there is no reason, then this would be great to implement into the forums if possible. Thanks!
- Mason

Last edited by Mason (October 22, 2011 (12:03pm))

Re: Suggestion for a new feature in posting

Isn't there a limit to how many words can be in a post? Is it possible to write a book and still have it be only one post? I've seen helpful posts followed by more-and I always assumed there was a limit...


Re: Suggestion for a new feature in posting

legogod wrote:

Isn't there a limit to how many words can be in a post? Is it possible to write a book and still have it be only one post? I've seen helpful posts followed by more-and I always assumed there was a limit...


Honestly, I do not know if that is true or not. I have never run into this problem of reaching a limit, nor have I seen other peoples posts reach a limit. (Does someone wish to post pi?)

Re: Suggestion for a new feature in posting

I just did a test: I copied a 12,000 word story I'm in the process of writing into the post thing, tried preview, and got this message:

Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:

    Your post length is 72,819 bytes. This exceeds the 65,535 bytes limit.

So, there is a limit.

Re: Suggestion for a new feature in posting

Aww, someone beat me to it. I was going to attempt to copy and paste the wikipedia page for the United States.