Topic: Does anybody have copies of my old films?

In spite of the apparent robustness of having several backups, in a variety of media, data neglect leads inevitably to data loss. I can only locate a few of my most recent films, but would appreciate having most of them. In particular, I released a veritable ton of films of extraordinarily poor quality when I initially started posting on the forums. Later, I also uploaded quite a few films I had made during my first exposure to brickfilming, under the theme "Mr. T's Retro Film of the Month" which are, amazingly, still available on the site.

There are also several more films available through that site, although most of the links are dead. It has been 6 years since I last paid for the hosting, so it is undoubtedly more than I should expect!

At any rate, if anyone has any obscure films of mine collecting digital dust, I'd be highly appreciative to have copies. They are somewhat far removed from being preserved as artistically significant but quite a few still hold a lot of sentimental value.



Re: Does anybody have copies of my old films?

As far as I'm aware, most of the download links are still intact on the waybackmachine.

Good to see you again, Logan.

"Tell stories that matter to you, not stories that'll sell." - Stephen Tobolowsky


Re: Does anybody have copies of my old films?

Hey Logan,

I obsessively saved a lot of videos back in the day, and I have quite a few of your films. I've got them uploaded to my Dropbox folder, so I think I can only share it via email. Feel free to PM me.


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