Topic: THAC 8 Final Results

The judges have submitted their ballots and the results are in! The scores were all very close, so give yourself a pat on the back for making such great films in less than 24 hours.

The 3 judges (Jargon, Noodle and myself) scored each film in the top 25 in five categories: Theme, Visuals, Sound, Script/Concept, Overall. These results were compiled, averaged, and have been ordered from 1-25 to create the final results.

In 3rd place, receiving a $20 coupon to Brick-A-Thon is:
Nick Durron- Elmore

In 2nd place, receiving a $25 coupon to Brick-A-Thon is:
namchild- LEGO VS.

In 1st place, receiving a $50 coupon to Brick-A-Thon is:
Legoander- Love's Labour

Congratulations to all the winners! You will be contacted via PM for Bricklink details so you can receive your prizes. The final scores for the Top 25 are available below.

Thank you to our sponsor, Brick-A-Thon, who has graciously donated the prizes for this years contest!!

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

I'm quite pleased with the end results. Well deserved, and congrats to all who entered. mini/yes

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Many thanks to the sponsor, and to our entrants, for making this contest a success.

Thank you also to NXTManiac for running this contest, and to the judges for their contributions.

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Wow, I thought Elmore would win. Anyway, congrats to all that won a prize, as well as to all who could put together a valid entry!

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Nice one Legoander, it was my favourite entry actually, so I'm happy. mini/smile

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congratulations to all the winners! Never thought I'd be in the top 15, let alone the top 25.
Thanks for the running the contest NXT

Lg Productions

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congratulations to the 3 winners, and to everyone that entered mini/smile

Thanks Nxt, this years competition was a very enjoyable one to enter.
Click above to watch mini/bigsmile
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Re: THAC 8 Final Results

hehe... 20th place! Better than I thought! Congratulations to all winners!

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Nice, I'm surprised though, I really thought Brickyman would take it even though the animation was a liiittle glitchy at times. some really good entries all round guys mini/smile

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congrats to all the winners! 

Also congrats to brickyman for receiving fourth when I thought he deserved first.

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Yes! 'LEGO vs' got the recognition it fully deserved! And I'm very proud of Brickyman (although it would have been awesome if he came higher).

And obviously I'm very pleased that I came 10th. So technically, I came in the Top 10 - which was my joke target (as I came in the Top 20 last year, and I joked that next year I will be in the Top 10)

Last edited by Max Butcher (February 23, 2011 (08:28am))

Max, She/Her

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congrats to all the winners mini/smile
In Love's Labour, I liked how smooth the animation was, especially in the scene where the RV drives by.
GOOD JOB! mini/bigsmile
*Signature made by Mighty Wanderer*
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Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congratulations Legoander! mini/bigsmile

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congrats to the winners!! mini/bigsmile

I'm proud of coming in 19th place considering my entry was so gosh darn horrible. mini/bigsmile


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

nice congratulations to all who entered mini/smile

Re: THAC 8 Final Results


I came fourth?

You don't know how happy I am with that.. :')

Congratulations to the winners, your places were well deserved. mini/bigsmile

And thank you MadBrick namchild and Max Butcher for the kind comments, and all those who hosted the competition. mini/smile

Last edited by Brickyman (February 23, 2011 (10:52am))

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Congratulations to legoander, namchild, and Nick Durron! There were a lot of great entries this year and some of the judging was rather tough.

Re: THAC 8 Final Results


Well done everyone else.

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

I don't like this new rating system. It doesn't have me at the top. mini/tongue
Congrats, bros!

Re: THAC 8 Final Results

Well done everyone. THAC was a bit of a disaster for me, so next time I'll be ready. Well done legoander, and all the other finalists.