Topic: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

I think there was someone who was asking how to do this a while back...  mini/confused 

Anyway, in a video that Smeagol made, he mentioned that for the opening scene, he changed the color of the blue bricks in the opening scene by keying out the blue and putting a black and white copy of the footage underneath.

I'm gonna show you how this is done with after effects.

It's actually pretty simple, here's how you do it:

Start off by importing your footage.  (File->Import->File).  I'm just using a still picture for this example, but an image sequence or video will work just as well.

Then, drag it to the "new comp" thing

Ok, so now it's all set up and ready to go.  Go to Effect->Noise and Grain->Remove Grain.

You'll notice a white square appears.  This is just a preview, and not the final output, so just switch from "Preview" it to "Final output".

Now, select the layer in the timeline and copy it (Ctl+C) and past it right underneath (Ctl+V)
It should look like this:

Select the top layer and go to Effect->Keying-> Keylight (1.2)

Take the color picker and click on the thing that you want to change.  (in my case, it's the blue part of the wall)

Now, select the bottom layer and go to Effect->Color Correction->Color Balance HLS

Play with the hue, saturation and lightness until you get the color you wnat.

And there you go, you now can change the color of the wall.  If it doesn't look quite right, play with the keylight settings.

If you know you're gonna be doing a color change like this, heres some stuff to keep in mind when you're filming:  Make sure that the bricks that you want to change are a different color than anything else in the scene.  If you look at the raw footage of that first scene, you'll notice that the wall is the only blue thing in the scene.  Blue isn't the only color you can use, but it's one of the easiest.  I'd say blue, green and maybe red are the easiest.

Anyway, I hope you found this useful.

Last edited by StanTheLegoMan (November 27, 2010 (10:20pm))

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Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Yay! I was looking for this

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Is someone trying to cheat at THAC? =P                                        - Visual Effects, Filmmaking, etc. Channel                             - Everything Channel                                      - Twitter. Duh                     - Blog

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Can you do this on vegas?

mod edit: Ohai there Mod, you alright?
^^^^Check out my bricklink store ^^^^

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

StormTrooper305 wrote:

Can you do this on vegas?

Probably.  As long as it has a decent chromakeyer it should work.

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

So your just chroma keying out the bricks?

mod edit: Ohai there Mod, you alright?
^^^^Check out my bricklink store ^^^^

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

pretty much.  but after you chromakey it out, you put another copy of it underneath without the chromakeying and add an something that can adjust the colors.

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

What version did you use shovel?

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production


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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

In the text, you've listed "Remove Noise" as one of the steps, but in the image, you've highlighted "Remove Grain".

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Oops!  thanks for pointing that out

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

How do you do this in Wax?

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Sorry i dont think wax can do that but i know VirtualDub has a easyer way of doing it.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

Can any freeware do this?

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

isn't virtual dub free?

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

axagon composer can probably do it...

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

How? (If you can include pics that would be great)

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

hmm...  i'll have to find out.

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

If you can do it with Wax that would be better.

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: How to change the color of a lego brick in post-production

the problem with wax is that it has a very basic chromakeyer...  i'll see if i can make another tutorial for this with axagon composer

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"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." - Brad Bird