Topic: Rubik's Cube Animation

Watch it HERE: … eature=sub

I made this for a contest on Youtube (no word on the winners yet) and the theme was stop-motion animation. I decided to make a silly video involving an extremely annoying Rubik's Cube that prefers to stay solved. Watch it and you'll understand what I mean. mini/wink 

The main reason i'm posting this here is to get feedback on the animation (I realize there is a lot of light-flicker, so i'm gonna blame it on the shiny stickers of the Rubik's Cube). mini/tongue Let me know what you guys think! (And expect a LEGO animation sometime soon...I hope) 

-Spud-Nic Studios

(Also, I can solve the Rubik's Cube, without cheating, in about a minute - can any of you guys?)

THAC = Ten Hour Animation Contest (I started way to late...) My Entry: Ambitious Soccer Ball Kick

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

without cheating I can... MAKE IN A MINUTE 1 SURFACE TEH SAME COLOR mini/XD !

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

seaforce110 wrote:

without cheating I can... MAKE IN A MINUTE 1 SURFACE TEH SAME COLOR mini/XD !


THAC = Ten Hour Animation Contest (I started way to late...) My Entry: Ambitious Soccer Ball Kick

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

Without cheating, we can both solve the rubix cube in about two minutes. mini/bigsmile

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

I can solve it in...uh...1 hour...or more.

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

Nice! So...did anyone like the video? mini/smile (Or at least, the animation?)

THAC = Ten Hour Animation Contest (I started way to late...) My Entry: Ambitious Soccer Ball Kick

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

I can solve a Rubik's cube in about two minutes, and the animation was pretty good. Although I hate when live action is turned into stop motion.
Latest video: splat.

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation


Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

I like the idea of the cube that always wants to stay solved.  There are some light flickers, but it's not very bad, just wait a second for the camera to adjust before you take the next frame.  I thought your expressions were pretty good, considering it is pretty much a habit now for you to solve the cube.  I thought it was done very well, and you had good originality.  I look forward to seeing you win this contest.

This is solved using the normal method.  I have done better than this (about 55 seconds once), but not timed by a stopwatch (and no, I did not cheat).  It is difficult using this method to get a time close to a minute, so good job SpudNic.

Last edited by NeXTCube (June 23, 2010 (02:06pm))

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

I can't solve a Rubik's cube, but I can fling it at the wall in frustration in .5 seconds... mini/lol

I really enjoyed the film, although if I saw a cube solve itself I would run out of the room screaming, not just sit there looking amused and entertained.  It was very creative when you had the cube fall apart and put itself back together again.  Nice job, and I hope you win! mini/smile

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

Psh, I can solve a Rubik's cube in 90 seconds tops (I'm trying to stay around a minute) and solve one side in no less than 20 seconds.

Anyways, that was a fun little film. I liked the Rubik's cube assembling.

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

Thanks for all the great feedback guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the film (and hope that I win)! mini/smile

UniLego wrote:

Although I hate when live action is turned into stop motion.

Same here, it looks extremely choppy. The only reason I did this was because I wasn't quite sure if the entire video had to be stop-motion, so I "cheated" (and by "cheated" I mean I saved myself a lot time by not setting up a way to animate myself) and just used the program to add the stop-motion effect. Odds are, I probably wont do that again.

NeXTCUBE wrote:

This is solved using the normal method.  I have done better than this (about 55 seconds once), but not timed by a stopwatch (and no, I did not cheat).  It is difficult using this method to get a time close to a minute, so good job SpudNic.

Nice! And you're right, it is difficult to "speed cube" using this method (I plan on learning a faster method this summer). My personal record is 50 seconds (which I accomplished while I was sick, go figure). mini/wink

THAC = Ten Hour Animation Contest (I started way to late...) My Entry: Ambitious Soccer Ball Kick

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

I can only do a Rubix cube in about 3 or so minutes. Yes I am slow.

Anyways, moving right along, the animation seemed good, but as others said there was a little bit of light flicker that was kind of distracting to see.

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

Well I really enjoyed that. Yeah, there was some light flicker, but I didn't really see it. The animation was really good, and the voice of the Rubix Cube was hilarious. You had a great storyline, so for that I salute you! You're really going places, kid.

Re: Rubik's Cube Animation

BGanimations wrote:

but as others said there was a little bit of light flicker that was kind of distracting to see.

You're correct, and I will point out why. The stickers on the Rubik's Cube are many different colors (and are very shiny too) and each side is fairly big, so I had to work in a larger space with the lamps farther out of the shot. What happened was that, when the brighter colors (especially white) was facing partially or completely at the camera, it would cause the picture to be brighter. If I had time or if I wasn't so lazy, I could've gone back and slightly decreased the brightness of these pictures (I tried doing one part and it seemed to work out fairly well, but it took a while). The next time I make a Rubik's Cube animation, that'll be my next focus - decreasing light flicker. mini/smile

Thanks for the support Splodge! I'm very glad you enjoyed my film! mini/bigsmile

THAC = Ten Hour Animation Contest (I started way to late...) My Entry: Ambitious Soccer Ball Kick