Topic: Casting call, many needed

This is for one of my episodes and i need 1 girl actor and 4 boys

please be around 14 and up, and don't pitch your voice i can tell and dont try to act old......

Jim: workaholic and just talks about work
*test line* I'm Jim and he's Bill, we prefer to be called office men.

Alice: the *Girl Role* important
*testline* if your wondering where the boss is he's in there

Bill: weirdo he believes and ghost evil demons on earth and is just weird in general. *Psycho*
*test line* uh oh, maybe it's an evil demon trying to force it's way into our Office.

Gary: kinda like a Big helper sort of a custodian, well he is, ****but only 1 line*****
*test line* Hang on, let me help you

Drake: A smarty pants, hates fun and does nothing but WORK
*test line* WHOA, WHOA WHOA!!!!!! what was that for???

After sending the please send the audio to [email protected]

A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?

Re: Casting call, many needed

I'm guessing there's gonna be violence?

Re: Casting call, many needed

if you need a kid voice pm me
Brick by Brick is the man

Re: Casting call, many needed

no there isn't going to be any violence, it's just an episode about an office.....:|

A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?