Topic: Tutorial for LSMaker?

I'm having alot of trouble using LSMaker so I need a tutorial to teahc me how to use it properly. Any suggestions?

Re: Tutorial for LSMaker?

Click on one part of the lightsaber, right-click on the other end.

Re: Tutorial for LSMaker?

That's the basics Tyler, but not how to use it well. I have considered making an LSMaker tutorial, seeing as how few people know how to use it and make it look good.

I've decided that I'm going to become immune to several select, non-lethal poisons, then put them in my snacks to discourage sneaky snack snatchers. -Littlebrick

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Re: Tutorial for LSMaker?

BrickLord, if you could make one that would be great!

Re: Tutorial for LSMaker?

ou can find here an tutorial:
Its in german, but I think you will understand it.
Its an animated WINK-Tutorial, so just follow what happens on the screen.

Good luck

Re: Tutorial for LSMaker?

Search in youtube that is how I learned
Brick by Brick is the man