Topic: Baseplate Problem.

Hello! Its me again with another slight problem. Ok, so when I animate for about 1- 1 half hours my baseplate starts to rise up into a slight mountain. I don't know if its the heat or what, but its only a slight problem. Any suggestions?
~BrightShadow99 mini/bigsmile

Re: Baseplate Problem.

What do you mean, how can a baseplate rise into a mountain? can we see a pic of it?

Re: Baseplate Problem.

when your mounting your base plate stick a piece of double sided tape in the middle, place it where you want it and then hold down the sides like you normaly do
partly done a James Bond'ish film, don't expect it too soon. click Banner]

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Rsteenoven wrote:

What do you mean, how can a baseplate rise into a mountain? can we see a pic of it?

I mean like a bump starts to form in the center. This baseplate isn't flat, it gets sort of.... crunched up you could say. And yes I'll post a picture soon. Btw, thanks for responding to all my problems Rseteenoven!:D:)

Re: Baseplate Problem.

lego2motion wrote:

when your mounting your base plate stick a piece of double sided tape in the middle, place it where you want it and then hold down the sides like you normaly do

Ah yes. That is wise.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Is there any heat under the baseplate? Forces?

40% of people causing car accidents are caused by drunk driving. Drive drunk, it's safer.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

This basically happens when the baseplate gets really hot. It happens to me sometimes.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Plastic naturally wants to curl and warp under heat. It's how those thin plastic Magic Fish things work.

Last edited by fib12345 (June 25, 2009 (08:01am))
"actuallly this involves spiderman too, not batman. but im also taking a new approach, more comedy, less action. i dont see to many movies like that with more comedy than action" --SteveStarfyTV on an Indiana Jones meets Star Wars idea.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

I have that too, but it's a cheap Mega-lock baseplate. Is it a real Lego one? Or a cheap one?

''You don't have to tell him how great is coffee is man!''

Re: Baseplate Problem.

i have never encountered that problem and i use nothing but LEGO brick baseplates...and trust closet gets HOT! oh my gawsh does it get hot with all those lamps and the door closed and no windows or fans!!! uuhh...well anyways i would use the double sided tape to do it! the only problem i get with the heat is a drenched body and the blue tac gets gooey "ick"


Re: Baseplate Problem.

Yes, the best thing would be to use some double sided tape, sticky tac/blue tac, or another sticky thing. to hold down your baseplate.

Fortunatly, I don't have this problem with my baseplates (cause I animate in a cold basement)

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Hazzat wrote:

This basically happens when the baseplate gets really hot. It happens to me sometimes.

I have a solution- film in a freezer!
I'm back. Possibly.

Re: Baseplate Problem.


Re: Baseplate Problem.

You have bumped a thread again, brother, and have lost my trust. It is becoming clear that you don't seem to care about my advice, therefore you are taking advantage of me. And that cannot continue, for you could possibly begin to rely on me to help you out of tight situations constantly, which is not healthy, and it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to cast off his trust in riches.

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Tape it in the middle than means it is not taped well
Brick by Brick is the man

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Ugh my god!
This is the fourth time my threads have been bumped!
Stop commenting on old threads!

Re: Baseplate Problem.

its he heat, my lamps get hot and if i leave them on two long that makes the base plat like a hill in the middle, just dont leave it on to long mini/bigsmile
By UniLego

Re: Baseplate Problem.

Hmm, another thread that just won't die. Interesting developments. How do people find these threads anyways.