Topic: Reno 911/ cops

Soo i wasthinking of doing sorta like a miniseries kinda like Reno 911 without all like the sex stuff... if that makes sense. anyway i was wondering what people think and what i should name the characters. 5 guy cops 1 girl cop. And if you have any ideas for like the plots of each episode. Any Response is welcome mini/smile

Re: Reno 911/ cops

Instead of trying to copy something that has already been done before, how about you try and come up with something original?

MWProductions wrote:

5 guy cops 1 girl cop.

...and best of luck to you.

"I am Kansas" -Smeagol

Re: Reno 911/ cops

i wasnt trying to copy them i just got the idea  of having like a cop comedy show sorta thing. but idk i guess it is kinda copying. but yeah idk. thx anyway