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I only used it ones, but I'm going to put in the end of every film from now on. It's actually a clip, this is just 1 frame.
I'll post mine when Windows Explorer won't crash when I try to upload to Photobucket. BTW Ninja535, I advise you to shrink that banner to 400x100 before the mods remove it
I am not trying to be a moderator, I just want to help out.
This took me Half an hour to make.
No I don't have Photoshop, but I made it using PhotoScape and Paint.NET. But once I get Photoshop, my logo is definitely going to look better.
You'll see this logo at the end of my next video.
Sorry for the... smallnes (^.^);
I think we should all critique them too? This seems cool.
Just a tip though, MichaelsMovies, It's a bit too jumbled in my opinion. Use a flat/gradient background instead of a weird....messy one. I'm just saying, it would look much better with something simpler
How do you make those?!? They look awesome!
In my opinion, yours is the best! How did you do it! Though first, I should probably ask how old you are. I'm 11.
mine is made in Adobe After Effects. The smoke effect is stock footage from Action Essentials.
mine is made in Adobe After Effects. The smoke effect is stock footage from Action Essentials.
By action essentials, do you mean's bundle? Please correct me if I'm wrong, which I think I am, but I can't put my finger on where else it would be.
EDIT: Wait, is it DetonationFilms?
You're right, it's the new bundle from Videocopilot. I bought it last year. Pretty sweet stuff.
Gah, I can't get GIMP to scale it down right >.<Wait, I got it!@Dog I'm one year older than you. There's a tutorial on youtube on how to make them
Thanks, can you send me a link to the tutorial?
P.S: You don't need Vista
Even if I did need vista, it'd be fine, 'cause I have windows 7.
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