12,681 The LEGO Apprentice Series 5

by Hamsterproductions

12,682 The Rock Monster

by Sleuth5000

12,683 Tales of lolwut

by maggosh

12,685 Days Of Our Pizza

( Pages 1 2 ) by Keshen

12,686 Yummy A Apple

by TonVon

12,687 The Desktop - Rubik's Cubed!

by NXTManiac

12,688 Mike and Ike in: Teh Internetz

( Pages 1 2 ) by fib12345

12,689 Magic Policez

by Splash

12,690 The Lab - A Short Brickfilm

by Steve

12,691 The Escape

by Piet

12,692 Knight's Treasure

by Hazzat

12,694 Fight!

by MMproductions

12,695 Yummy A Series

by TonVon

12,696 3 old films

by MMproductions

12,698 This Kid Has Something To Say

by Just Kidden

12,699 One Name Person

by Living LEGO

12,701 The Bus Stop

by TheyCallMeKing

12,704 commercial gone wrong

by Living LEGO

12,705 I Am Legend - Trapped

by Olsonstudios

12,707 Killing Mr. Twomey

( Pages 1 2 ) by Penta

12,708 Closed: Kazoo Episode 1: The Kazoo

by NXTManiac

12,709 Magic Moneyz

by Splash

12,710 Fast Hot Plastic

by lgorlando

12,711 LEGO Pwns Warhammer

by Just_a_Minifig

12,712 Drive-Thru

by filmyguy

12,713 Road Rescue

by Hazzat

12,714 Just For Kicks

by Blue Ghost

12,716 The Weirdest Day Ever

by legomaniac

12,717 Legodotcum & legoLike

by Robukka

12,719 A Bad Day at the Mines

by Living LEGO