Topic: LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer

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LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer


Presenting the 874th LEGO version of the Star Wars 7 trailer!

Re: LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer

874th? I wonder if that's true.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer

874, I think is a conservative estimate.  Now to watch it.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer

FINALLY, A Star Wars remake trailer that I actually really enjoy. I like how the blue sky really contrasts the sand in the opening shot. That's something that a lot of the other brickfilmers doing this sort of thing had forgotten.

However, there are still a few flaws in this brickfilm.

First, I can tell that the stormtrooper minifig's face was double sided when he turns around. The bottom of his jaw was not covered up by his hair piece. This is just a little pet peeve of mine with brickfilms, because it can be fixed so easily by either turning the head as he turns, or just using another face with similar flesh tone all together.

Second, The sith's lightsaber effect at the end didn't mimic the film's. In case anyone didn't notice, the new lightsaber looks much more electrified, and flows a bit more like fire, rather than having a nice clean edge that is so easy to recreate in photoshop or after effects. The only way to match the original better would be to animate it frame by frame. And, I do understand that not many people have that kind of time on their hands to do such an effect, so, it is a bit forgivable.

Overall, however, my favorite effect was the "ball R2-D2" droid. I'm not sure if you used a marble or not, but, either way, it looks spectacular, and, rivals any of the other recreation trailers I've seen in the past few weeks. mini/smile

Keep up the good work, KingLumuel. I'll definitely check out your brickfilms in the future.

Re: LEGO Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer


Yes indeed you can see the stormtrooper's jaw below the back of his hair piece. Ironically that's something that usually gets on my nerves, but for some reason when I do it in one of my own brickfilms I don't seem to mind so much mini/tongue

I completely agree with you that the lightsaber effect could have been much better. That was the last shot I animated and I kinda cut corners just so I could be done with the stupid thing!

I did use a marble for the little ball droid. I'm glad to hear that you like the way it turned out because I wasn't so sure about it myself!

Thanks for the helpful feedback mini/sunnies