Topic: Star Wars Duel of not so much Fate

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Star Wars Duel of not so much Fate …

LEGO: Star Wars Duel Of Not So Much Fate
In this short a Jedi Guardian comes face to face with a Sith Sorcerer but who will win?
Let the epic duel of fate begin!
Thought I would try out some lightsaber effects. The keying isn't the greatest on here but I was pretty happy with the effects.

I was thinking of a few ideas that I could develop into a series butttt I don't think I will be getting any new lego for a while. Made videos with everything I have as I wanted to play around with it(so didnt buy loads and it is so expensive).

Last edited by jameslightley (May 8, 2013 (01:41am))

Re: Star Wars Duel of not so much Fate

Well I was pretty happy with the saber effects even if no one else is mini/lol

Re: Star Wars Duel of not so much Fate

Sorry for not saying anything earlier, but this is actually pretty good as far as random Jedi duels go.

The saber effects are well done, the animation is good, but again, the lack of any bigger story kinda hurt it.
I like the character designs, and thanks to the low amount of color overall, it really helped make the sabers "Pop".
The ending was a bit odd, the smooth cut looked off, and the lack of any sort of mark on the Jedi hurt the realism.
It was a well made short, but probably won't be very memorable due to the sheer number of duels like this.
Still, it showcased your nice animation and effects work.

Re: Star Wars Duel of not so much Fate

I liked it. Great effects and animation.