Topic: Green Screen Reflection?

I recently got a green poster board that works really well as a green screen. Although, no matter how hard I try, there is always green on the minifigure. I was wondering... is there any way to reduce that? Like, maybe, a specific color tile or baseplate I could use under it to reduce it or... I don't know. Maybe I am just using the wrong kind of green screen. … =115641938

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

The problem is that your figs are too close to the greenscreen and the figs reflectivity is picking up on it .  Set the greenscreen as far from the set as possible and search for greenscreen lighting online.  Plenty of answers online if you just SEARCH.

Now in terms of post-prod, depending on your software, you would have to use a spill suppression to clean up the rest of the greenscreen element after you've keyed out the green.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

Also, consider putting white board/paper either side of your set. I'm not going to go into the physics of reflected light here but depending on your angles, doing that should give you white reflections instead of green.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

The problem is that your figs are too close to the greenscreen

Well, they really weren't. Unless you count about eight inches away too close then, no they were not.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

The idea is to have the Lego pick up as little of the greenscreen as possible.  That means putting the greenscreen as far from the set as possible and lighting the set in a way so that the greenscreen is less likely to be reflected.

If it were a different medium (non-reflective materials), it would be a lot easier.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

Do you use a green screen? Is that all you have to do? Move them far enough away and it doesn't pick it up? What kind of green screen do you use if you use one. Can you direct me to one of your videos in which you have used a green screen and it is chroma keyed nicely?

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

Greenscreen is all over this video.  You can tell which part by the CGI elements

I used an Office Depot poster board.  It's lightly saturated and not reflective.

Example (note: I adjusted the camera setting so it looks more saturated than it really is)

And as 0ldscratch and I have been telling you, it's not the only thing you have to do.  Lighting up the set in a way so that the green isn't being reflected off the LEGO pieces is the other thing you have to so, set-wise.

Afterward, in editing and post-production, after you have keyed out the green, you will still have whatever green stuff that's appears on you LEGO piece's reflection (assuming you did what we've suggested).  That's where spill suppression comes in.  It's sort of a color changing tool but its purpose is to get rid of the green edges.

A little google search and you would have found your answer hours ago instead of waiting on us for an answer.

Here's where I violate the rules.

Literally right next to the greenscreen, but notice little greenscreen is reflecting off the fig.  The set is picking up most of the green but as you can see in this video, it turned out okay.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

You keep saying something about 'Spill Suppression'. Can I do that in Gimp? Or is that something different all together?

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

Seems like you like asking questions and don't care to search for the answer on your own.  If you're not going to try, I'm wasting my time with you.

GIMP as I understand it, is an image manipulation program.  If it has spill suppressors, I'm sure you can find out on their website.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

*sigh* People are so lazy these days. Like babies, want everything handing to them.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

So true mini/lol


Re: Green Screen Reflection?

You should try to make the size of the screen as smal as you can, so the amount of reflaction will be decrease.

Re: Green Screen Reflection?

I've had issues with blue/green/red reflections in chroma-key shots ever since I started using it.
I use paper, and my lamps cast a glare on that.
After seeing what Lechnology uses (as well as his very impressive test video), I might consider getting that myself in the foreseeable future.