Re: The Minecraft Thread!

The IP to my server is

It is not online at the moment, however. I usually announce in chat when its online, and if I am in chat, the server is probably online.

Before you guys can play I need your Minecraft ID.  Mason, you should be added to the whitelist.

UniLego, there are no "official" protections enable on my server (which means if anyone was inclined, they could cause harm, but that's why there's Big Brother). However, it is always a good idea to mark your creations with a sign identifying you as the owner.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

WelcomeToAwesomeness wrote:

Yeah, smotth stone would be more aesthetically pleasing.

I don't think you guys have quite understood.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

I got the demo version. So far is quite entertaining, I climbed a tree to run from monsters. There's a beautiful view from there (and it's funny see all the monsters and spiders jumping around). Too bad my time's almost over, and I don't know if I will buy it. I still have to understand some things to fully appreciate it, but the time's not enough. Like, how do I get glass, why can't I pick stones or how do I build an axe? That kind of things.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Nathan Wells wrote:

UniLego, there are no "official" protections enable on my server.

I was addressing LegoDudez on his server. Several people on his have protections in their zones making it impossible to use or place anything in that area. I like the lack of it on your server, though. mini/smile
Latest video: splat.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Nathan Wells wrote:

The IP to my server is

It is not online at the moment, however. I usually announce in chat when its online, and if I am in chat, the server is probably online.

Before you guys can play I need your Minecraft ID.  Mason, you should be added to the whitelist.

My ID's Living_LEGO.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Living LEGO wrote:
Nathan Wells wrote:

The IP to my server is

It is not online at the moment, however. I usually announce in chat when its online, and if I am in chat, the server is probably online.

Before you guys can play I need your Minecraft ID.  Mason, you should be added to the whitelist.

My ID's Living_LEGO.

You have been added to the whitelist!

Server is on right now, BTW.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Nathan Wells wrote:
Living LEGO wrote:
Nathan Wells wrote:

The IP to my server is

It is not online at the moment, however. I usually announce in chat when its online, and if I am in chat, the server is probably online.

Before you guys can play I need your Minecraft ID.  Mason, you should be added to the whitelist.

My ID's Living_LEGO.

You have been added to the whitelist!

Server is on right now, BTW.

Thanks, Nate.

I hope we can play on it together sometime.

EDIT: For some reason, it's not letting me on since logging takes too long.
Any reason for that?

Formerly "brickflix"

I am a nonfilming user...for now.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

I added Living_LEGO to the whitelist. I don't know your Minecraft user ID, phantom.

As for the "taking too long to log in" error, just keep trying. It's a bandwidth issue and should resolve itself.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Nathan Wells wrote:

I added Living_LEGO to the whitelist. I don't know your Minecraft user ID, phantom.

As for the "taking too long to log in" error, just keep trying. It's a bandwidth issue and should resolve itself.



Thanks for the tip.

And legodudez, I went on your server.

Looks pretty cool, but I left in the minute a creeper saw me, because I didn't want to mess things up.
I just want to ask that if Living LEGO and I will be on your server, can we make a house near your houses?

Last edited by phantom (May 25, 2011 (03:37pm))

Formerly "brickflix"

I am a nonfilming user...for now.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Hello, I'm sharing an account with like 30 other people at my school. If anyone doesn't want to pay for it PM me and I'll select a few of you to give it to.

I might be playing with you guys sooner or later.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Went to the Nether.


Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Nathan Wells, my minecraft name is CreatorOfWorlds. Could you add me to the whitelist?

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

- Nether in multiplayer: YES!
- Players stuck in walls will slide towards the nearest gap if there is one: No more dieing!
- Severely nerfed fire so it spread slower, and doesn’t spread infinitely

The things I hate:
- Seeds only found in tall grass now
- Maps (Making the game MORE easy)

You can read all the updates, changes, and fixes here: … t-beta-1-6

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Maps are as good as compasses. They're just more fancy.

I found a couple of bugs, furnaces spew out multiple objects if you put them in and torch flames move with the mouse when you're in bed. Also, I heard that if you put a bed in the Nether and try to use it, it explodes. mini/XD

Re: The Minecraft Thread!


Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Hatches in 1.6! I can finally fulfill my dreams of making a trapdoor.

Last edited by WelcomeToAwesomeness (May 26, 2011 (07:22pm))

bricksinmotion member of the year

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

ZeroWellies server is now 1.6 compatible!

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

I have an error.

It says whenever I go on a server, it says "disconnected: end of stream."
Anyone know what that means?

Formerly "brickflix"

I am a nonfilming user...for now.

Re: The Minecraft Thread!

Walked out of my house this morning and saw five creepers. I guess I'm not going to be hunting pigs for a while.
Latest video: splat.