Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

MPfist0 wrote:

When BRAWL09 ended, we've been waiting for the results for like 3 months. What he means, is that he hopes to not wait that long again for contest results.

3 MONTHS!!  That's a long time.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

It was more like 5 months. mini/tongue The results came out in December, correct? (The contest ended in August to my memory.)


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Lol, THAC would've been announced by then and you still didn't know who won.  That must've been annoying.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Yeah, I had to spend 5 months in suspense, only to find out I had lost. I suppose the losing was no-ones fault (other than mine) but still having to wait 5 months....

Max, She/Her

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

5 months is a long time for everyone. Now if I ran the contest.........(I'd probably start a flame war)

Last edited by Goliathan (October 18, 2010 (09:30am))

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

The BRAWL situation gets worse.  Munzapoppa finished tabulating the results, and then postponed releasing them an additional week because he was offended by people complaining about the delay.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

But this won't take that long.....will it? mini/shifty

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So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

I hope not. mini/wink

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

No, it will not. Nor am I petty enough to delay results without a damn good reason.

THAC XIV entry here: (Never) Meant To Be

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Sean wrote:

No, it will not. Nor am I petty enough to delay results without a damn good reason.

Love the way ya say it Sean!

| Website |
So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

There are some really good entries. Good luck for every contestant! mini/smile I'm just kinda sorry that I couldn't finish my film in time. mini/sad
YouTube Channel : All My Links ↑Click for newest animation!↑

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

You can still post it though. I'd like to see it mini/smile

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

WOW. It must be really tuff too choose the winners! mini/eek

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

I just finished my ballot.  It takes a long time to watch and rate 29 films, some of which are as long as 8-9 minutes.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

One 'cool-point' for Smeagol!

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Great! I can't wait for the results!

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Me 2!

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

I have high hopes for ya camera!

| Website |
So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

I liked Small World, He's Late Again, The Magician's Hat, and Bakey a Cakey

Used to be 'Caidence'

Re: Septemberfest 2010 Contest Entries [CLOSED]

Do you have an idea of when the results will be out? I'm anxious.


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon