Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

To be honest, the mummy is one of my least favorite. The mummies in the new Pharaoh's Quest sets look much better to me.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

No barcodes?  Ha!
We don't need barcodes!
You may have to scroll down.
I'm going to get all of them.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Actually, yeah, looking at the Pharaoh's Quest minifigs, I'm less into it.
I'd love to see a Lon Chaney Jr. style Wolf Man minifig.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

If you want to feel which ones your getting instead of the new "dot method" here's feeling tips:
Gorilla – it’s best to find the banana. Be careful though, the Pilot has goggles that can feel like a banana.

    Pilot – feel for the backpack/parachute (and the goggles there’s an indentation in the middle that the banana doesn’t have).

    Racecar Driver – feel for all 3 of these, head, helmet & hair. He’s the only guy with all 3.  Finding the visor helps too.

    Samurai – if you find the sword, that’s the best. He’s also got an ‘armor’ chest piece that’s unique.  It collapses inward when you squeeze it from front to back.

    Rapper – feel for the mic, and his hat brim is curved. Careful not to mistake for the Hula Girl… She has 2 maracas that feel like the mic.

    Hula Girl – finding both maracas is the best. The hair also feels different, since it’s designed to be in the front and back. Easy to confuse with the Rapper by feel and dots.

    Indian Chief – the headdress is pretty easy to feel.  It’s very big.

    Baseball Player – the bat is a dead giveaway. One of the easiest to feel.

    The Mummy – the dots are very easy to spot on this one. Really the best way to feel this one is to find the scorpion.

    Sumo Wrestler – another where the dots help quite a bit. I only felt the trophy one time, so I ended up feeling for the ball of hair on top of his head the most.

    Alien – the head has the 2 distinct spheres. I almost always felt the beam from the gun as well. Dots are good for this one too.

    Space Pirate (Cyborg) - easy to confuse with the race car driver. If you can find his robot hand, that’s the best. Remember that both the alien and this guy have a ray coming from their gun (the gun: which is also a good way to narrow it down to one of the 2).

    Tennis Player – the racket is the tell tell here.

    Elf (Legolas) – I felt the back if the shield on the first one, but found the bow & arrow easiest from then on out.

    Snowboarder – the snow board is as easy as the surfboard and skateboard were to feel. Both ends curve up.

    The Fisherman – the fish is easy to feel, plus the rope on the fishing pole is very different than anything else since it’s ’soft’.

Used to be 'Caidence'

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Series 3 Figures! mini/delirium
I only had time enough to get  but seeing as there were another 8 full boxes there I'll probably be coming back.  Using the small bump method on the packages does indeed work, and as a result I have no repeats. … ture16.jpg … ture15.jpg … ture12.jpg … ture14.jpg … ture13.jpg … ture11.jpg … ture10.jpg
Sorry for the huge images. mini/smile
mod edit: Links will do fine.[/mindtrick]

Last edited by MadBrick (November 21, 2010 (08:40pm))

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

How are you peoples getting these so early? mini/eek

EDIT: Oh, nevermind. Just read the article on the Brothers Brick. ^_^


Last edited by Just Kidden (November 21, 2010 (09:46pm))

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Series 3 looks good, but it just doesn't seem as nice as the first 2. The baseball player is sweet though.

RedBrick1/LegoTrain587 | EXPANSE | A Brickfilm

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

MadLibs wrote: … ture16.jpg
mod edit: Links will do fine.[/mindtrick]

Another new Blacktron "III" Minifigure! mini/bigsmile Thank you LEGO!

If you dont know what I mean:

Blacktron I (1987), and Blacktron II/Future Generation (1991) Minifigures:

And the new ones from Space Police 5981 set (2010), and from Minifigures Series 3 (2011):
Can't wait to get my hands on them mini/smile
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Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I have my hands on them. mini/cat

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

You mean the NEW ones? mini/eek
YouTube <============> Twitter <============> Flickr

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Why yes. mini/smile

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

mini/eek LUCKY %&$#@% !!! xD
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Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread


-Olaf Yoshi

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

For some reason, we in the Northwest got them early.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Hmmm...:/  I found something about series 4 at

B - Sounds great!

"Expected April 2011

Provisional Minifigures (tbc):

- Surfer Girl
- Sailor
- Garden Gnome
- Kimono Girl
- Punk Rocker
- Monster
- Viking Warrior
- Werewolf
- Speed skater (?)
- Hockey player
- Skateboarder (again???)
- Football Player
- Radioactive Suit
- Musketeer
- Artist
- Mad Professor/Scientist"

True, or not....

Last edited by Paweł Kamiński HWS (November 23, 2010 (02:32pm))
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Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Seems plausible.

click->youtube - twitter - vimeosoup

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Interesting, I found the same page...

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I REALLY hope so, those seem great

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Punk Rocker FTW.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread
