Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

goldencamerastudios: I like it. The torso choice is unique and it all seems to fit together. I also like that it looks like he's looking at the camera.

Gospelnut: It's nice, but pretty basic. Maybe a more detailed torso?

Lucas: A little generic, but not bad.
SigFig by Jargoŋ, on Flickr

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Jargon wrote:

Gospelnut: It's nice, but pretty basic. Maybe a more detailed torso?

Ah, but I have a shirt like that, I want to be able to look like my sigifg in real life


Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Here it is, my updated Sigfig, taken with my new webcam. (bad lighting however..)


Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Sorry about the bad masking, and if it's unoriginal. I wanted to make the face look like me and give it a sense of originality at the same time.

Youtube Channel ] for occasional animations.

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Ugh, finally figured out how to post images... well here's my sigfig:
He is a character in a brickfilm series of mine, just clicks on my siggy (the picture of the cat) and search for the vids called, "DJ and Rinto". Unfortunately they are 10 fps because we hadn't discovered 15fps. hope you enjoy

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Just one picture from the Meeting of Me "pkmovies92" (white torso sigfig) and Filip "Crazy Ed" (on the left his updated sigfig, and on the right the old one) and on the back the down part of Pałac Kultury (Palace of Culture) tower mini/smile

Sorry about the bad quality of the pic... because I take it by my old cellphone.

The meeting of pkmovies92 and CrazyEdChannel in Poland - Warsaw - 16.01.2011

YouTube <============> Twitter <============> Flickr

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

awesome pawel kaminski!!!! mini/delirium  ,by the way is crazy ed's name Filip?

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

That sort of thing goes here!

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Hazzat wrote:

That sort of thing goes here!


<facepalm> ...Can't you read? This picture shows the real MEETING! not the tower on the back!!! that means the picture is too bad to post it in the "around-the-world-with-miniman" topic. AND It shows our updated SIGFIGS!!! (Mine and Crazy Ed's)... mini/rolleyes
YouTube <============> Twitter <============> Flickr

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Cool beans.

I'm lovin' the golden camera.

Nobody commented on mah sigfig. :'(

Just kidding.... I don't care lol.

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

I made a new sigfig, I'll post it sometime soon.


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Well here is my sigfig

I'm back, not like you guys cared

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Aaron, for some reason, it won't show up.

Well, here's mine.
It's ironic, because my older sig-fig, had shorter hair. Then, very shortly after I changed the hair, I got a haircut, and it looked more like my old sig-fig. But I think this one looks better.

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Love yours Brickyman! Where'd yah get that awesome shirt?!

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Mine. Had it all the years I've been a filmin'.

Sorry the image quality is so bad. I took this shot from an older film.

| Website |
So yeah, I'm back from my mind.

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Here's my fig:

He's not intentionally meant to look like me, but he's commonly used to represent me, and he's my favorite minifigure and the best character Ive made.
I call him Sir Squid.
I've had him since around 2000.
I need to make a movie with him. mini/tongue

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Chris W the sig looks nice

hey my image didn't show up
could somebody help please

I'm back, not like you guys cared

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

You linked to the gallery, rather than the actual image. Click through as far as you can go and then put the URL here.

Re: Post an image of your sigfig here!

Jargon wrote:

You linked to the gallery, rather than the actual image. Click through as far as you can go and then put the URL here.

Are you talking about me?
I can see my image in my post.