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How many Reviewers do we need to get the film directory up?
As Leo said, how long do you expect the application process to take before you make your selections?
I'd love to become a reviewer, however I haven't written any reviews. Not here anyways.
Quick questions:
As a reviewer, will you 1. have to review EVERY single movie that is added to the archive along with all the other reviewers?
Or 2. will you be "assigned" movies independently to review alone so that the work is distributed equally among the review panel?
Also, does the review have
1. to be completely objective and just adress the technical facts and achievements of the movie
or 2. room for personal, subjective insights and comments; can you for instance say that you thought one film was a complete waste of time, or that you really loved it ?
Btw I am the maker of the freedom force series if any of you have seen it, and i am currently in the army;
so my main question is really: will this take up a lot of your time (like if you have to review EVERY movie here), or is this something that you can sit back and enjoy doing in your spare time because you love lego films and think you can contribute to this community in a good way?
jumpcut, I was a reviewer over at If this system works in roughly the same way, I'd imagine there will be a list of submitted films and all reviewers pick and choose which ones they want to watch and review. I'm just guessing, but I imagine it would be impractical to have each reviewer assigned a specific set of films.
As for the review itself, in this case I suppose the purpose is to help people decide which film they want to watch by providing a general overview of the good and bad points....
I hate to be a pest, but do you have any info on when applicants will know if they were accepted to the RP?
- Leo
i need 5 reviews
oh well when do aplications close?
i just did lol?
Is there a deadline for applying?
Schlaeps, I know you're online right now so...
By "bimonthly," do you mean twice a month, or every two months. Technically, bimonthly means both those things, but I want to know which one you meant.
I saw this somewhere earlier before and it slipped my completely! I'm going to try for an interviewer! I already have plenty of experience (being a reporter). The one problem might be my school schedule.
I would love to be a film Reviewer.I will send a a review
We are only going to have mature, experienced members as mods, mind you.
So you're saying pizzaboy is neither mature or capable of being an experienced mod?
And what's with the "we are only", schlaeps makes the decisions not us.
To be a Film Reviewer you must use correct spelling, there is a "c" in "punctuation", therefore you are not capable of being a Reviewer, obviously.
Neither are you, fib. There are a few grammar errors in your post.
Note I'm not claiming I'm capable of being a reviewer.
Though I know I'm notorious for being a bit of a grammar fascist, I think the most important criteria for being a reviewer is the ability to view films critically as a whole and write well (as in having good style and the like). Anybody who just writes something along the lines of "the animation was great, VFX were OK, story was funny, cinematography could have been better" is not helping their case at all.
I think it was more a case of 'Let he without sin cast the first stone'
Do you still need a Reviewer? I would be glad to be one.
Last edited by Just Kidden (January 25, 2009 (05:13pm))
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