Re: 24 FPS On Doubles

Hi BertL.

Many thanks for the reply.  I used MonkeyJam in the past and wasn't a great fan of it.  Will give it another look though.  Anasazi can do it to a degree and it looks OK.  The reason for asking if it can switch though between 2's and 1's is that I've been reading the Animator's Survival Kit (great book by the way) and it discussed the pros and cons for double and single shooting.  It came to the conclusion that shooting on 2's was OK for everyday stuff like walking etc but for fast action scenes 1's were preferable..I shall tinker around with it this week though

Thanks again

Re: 24 FPS On Doubles

BertL wrote:

...A better idea might be to use MonkeyJam, a slightly more advanced (though slightly more complicated as well) piece of software that supports shooting on doubles, tripples, heck, even quadruples if you want to. (Oh and it has an option to shoot on singles, too.)

Or you could do like I do:  Use HeliumFrog to capture frames [it gives much more control during capture than MonkeyJam does], and then import those frames into MonkeyJam.  During the import, you can set how many times each frame should be held.  I usually do "hold 2" and set my project in MJam to 30 FPS, essentially giving my 15FPS.  Then if I need to speed up some part of the animation, I can change some of those frame holds from 2 to 1 to speed things up.  Using this technique, I can have various FPS in the same sequence (ranging from 10 to 30 FPS).