Re: The Animation Challenge

Thank you so much mini/bigsmile I wasn't sure if I could find all the pieces to put together bowling pins in time to finish the contest so I worked around it.

The next challenge shall be called Sneaking. This is my first time doing one of these so it might be a bit tough, but what I'd like to see is, well, sneaking. Some sort of stealthy, maybe spy movie-esque video that looks relatively realistic. Be creative and have fun. The deadline is Saturday, December 1st. I'll judge on Sunday and depending on how many entries there are I'll post the results on Sunday or Monday. Good luck!

Last edited by Legosword89 (November 23, 2012 (10:24am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

I think Ill enter this one..


Re: The Animation Challenge

Definately entering. My next film is too hard to complete in a week, so Im going to do this one so I can have a break for a few weeks... BTW this is my first ever entry and I'm looking forward to it! Actually, how do I enter????????
Have a great day everyone!

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge

Blimey, the topic of this thread and the winners list got a bit outdated didn't it? I've gone through and it should be all up to date now.

Good luck to those entering the current challenge!

Re: The Animation Challenge

Nasrsarian wrote:

Definately entering. My next film is too hard to complete in a week, so Im going to do this one so I can have a break for a few weeks... BTW this is my first ever entry and I'm looking forward to it! Actually, how do I enter????????
Have a great day everyone!

All you do is post a link to your video on Youtube and it will then be judged.

Re: The Animation Challenge

I have a film that would be perfect, but it won't be finished in time. Congrats to Legosword and good luck to all those entering!

LEGOs, Soccer, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and other completely irrelevant things.
YouTube Flickr

Re: The Animation Challenge

Oooh, sneaking. Sounds like fun! I think I may enter this one seeing I'm not too late. Most of the time, I check this thread the day before the challenge is over and end up missing it.

Re: The Animation Challenge

0DonkeyKong wrote:
Nasrsarian wrote:

Definately entering. My next film is too hard to complete in a week, so Im going to do this one so I can have a break for a few weeks... BTW this is my first ever entry and I'm looking forward to it! Actually, how do I enter????????
Have a great day everyone!

All you do is post a link to your video on Youtube and it will then be judged.

Thanks mate. mini/bigsmile Good luck to all! I animated it last night, somes a bit rough, but some is extremely smooth. Hope to do some editing today mini/tongue

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge

Glad to see so many people interested in this mini/bigsmile

Re: The Animation Challenge

Legosword89 wrote:

Glad to see so many people interested in this mini/bigsmile

Haha Ikr mini/smile I'm nearly finished with my entry, it will probas be uploaded tomorrow (29th). Crap, thats two days before! Hmmmm I should hurry. Good luck everyone! mini/tongue

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge


Last edited by GandAanimations (December 1, 2012 (01:55am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here's my entry! If I win, Iam Smoky Air Studios, not nasrsarian ok? Its just nasrsarian is a difficult, pointless and dumb name. Good luck to all! Yay! I feel great apart from the fact that its 41 degrees celcius outside (about 100 faranheit). … -My Entry

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge


Last edited by GandAanimations (December 1, 2012 (01:54am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

GandAanimations wrote:

My entry mini/smile

THAT IS AWESOME don't get me wrong, but that isn't sneaking right?, thats an awesome clip of spiderman killing some guy.

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge

Is that the correct link? If so it's a great video but it is not sneaking.. mini/cat

Re: The Animation Challenge


Last edited by GandAanimations (December 1, 2012 (01:55am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

Not sure that video should be allowed, doesn't even seem to be made for the animation challenge and there is no sneaking in it

Re: The Animation Challenge

Ikr Lucas, that's what I said. If it wins it wouldn't be fair on anyone else from what we have said- there's no sneaking, it obviously hasn't been made for this, and all it is is an awesome animation of spiderman killing a robber which would take about a few weeks to make.

"With those bricks we know and love, anything is a possibility!"-Smoky Air Studios

Re: The Animation Challenge

I agree with everyone else on this, sorry GandAanimations your video is not eligible for this contest.

Re: The Animation Challenge

I think this contest should be extended longer.

Last edited by Legosaber (December 1, 2012 (11:28am))