Re: When was the last time you animated?

Sunday. I got inspired to do a run/jog test, it was meh.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Yesterday mini/smile

^Click to watch

Re: When was the last time you animated?

last time I animated? about tuesday. but that was a test to see camera quality. about 1 second long. mini/smile

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I animated 34 seconds of my new film just now, I'm going to finish filming it tomorrow hopefully.

Re: When was the last time you animated?


Re: When was the last time you animated?

I animated some run tests yesterday. Hopefully I'll get to perfect it today.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Last time was probably BRAWL.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

BRAWL and I did some test yesterday.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I've finished animation on my new project, it all comes to about one minute. The film should be out in two or three days. mini/smile

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I animated something maybe three days ago, on Monday. I've filmed stuff since then, but no animation was involved. I'd like to do more, but as of right now, I have absolutely no scenes to animate, due to having no lines by any of my actors except me, and I've done pretty much all my lines anyway.

And that is why I hate doing movies with dialog.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Today, I started and finished filming two whole tim & fRED episodes.
These are really fun to make, may not have the best animation though. They're mainly just for laughs. mini/tongue
I'm hoping to release the first episode on Friday, then the next the following week, and so on.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Yesterday, making a fight test.

Don't be fooled, my avatar is a facade of conformity.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

A week and a half ago about, school has been very busy lately. mini/confused
But tonight is free, so I might make some tests later.

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Started and finished filming episode 3 of tim & fRED today. The last shot I filmed was 14 seconds. mini/smile

Re: When was the last time you animated?

I just shot a five second scene about two hours ago, since I finally got some lines. Hopefully I'll make a lot more progress in the next few weeks.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Haven't filmed in two weeks

  • Stuck in school

  • Writer's block

After a five year hiatus, I have returned

THAC 8: The Cleanup

Re: When was the last time you animated?

Like, 2 weeks ago. mini/sad


Re: When was the last time you animated?

i animated last night and was not pleased with it so i threw it out

Re: When was the last time you animated?

sheesh months now mini/sad i have moved houses and am in the process of re-setting up my studio mini/sad

Re: When was the last time you animated?

About 8 or 9 months? I can set up a shot, but the animation never happens.